Saturday, February 11, 2017

What losses await US universities from the immigration decree trump? – Russian Spring (press release) (Blog)

the Federal U.S. court of appeals temporarily suspended the resonant migration of the decree of the President of the United States Donald trump about the ban on the entry of citizens of the seven predominantly Muslim countries. However, the limitation has the potential to become a full-fledged law. In this case, in the educational sector of the country will have serious financial breach — according to the experts, we are talking about billions of dollars.

RT has analyzed “foreign segment” of American education, and spoke with students and experts in order to evaluate the possible loss of one of the most stable high-tech sectors of the U.S. economy.

just after Donald trump signed one of the most discussed in society and the media decrees, Iranian students and scholars appealed to the Iranian-American bar Association in Washington, as are faced with problems at passport control when crossing the US border in the country’s airports. About that RT told the lawyer on migration issues Board Shahrzad rezvani.

“At the moment we actively provide legal assistance to citizens of Iran. Many of them think of returning home, as I see no other way out,” she explained. According to rezvani, education in USA is very prestigious for the Iranians, who traditionally choose to study medicine, law and engineering.

during the 2014-2015 school year the students have invested more than $ 30.5 billion in the American economy. If the immigration ban will be introduced on a permanent basis, it is easy to understand how much damage it would cause to the U.S. economy.

Foreign students is an important source of income in the American economy.

In 2015-2016 the more than one million nationals of other States (1 043 839 people) studied in the United States, according to the materials of the Institute of international education. Among them are more than 17 thousand from Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Syria — countries that came under the ban of the migration. And only from Iran last year in the United States studied 12 269 thousand students.

Year of study at American universities cost at least $ 50 thousand In case of migration decree trump be approved by Congress, the loss of the education sector due to the outflow of students from the “forbidden” countries will be $ 867 million, estimated by experts of the Institute of international education.

But this amount could double if students from other Muslim countries as a sign of solidarity will give preference to more accessible and loyal to the educational institutions of Europe and Canada, experts say.

a Graduate of George Washington University (Washington, DC) Libyan Ashraf Sabha admits in an interview with RT that he sees no prospects for returns in the United States:

Now I live in the UK and I’m very sad to observe the situation in the United States. I used to call America their second home, after graduating from the University in 2015, where I studied accounting, I worked in the specialty in Washington.

Now, because of anti-Muslim policies of Donald trump, I can’t even imagine what I would be able to return to the States.

the Iranian Diaspora in the US is extremely concerned about the measures taken by the administration trump. Most Iranians coming to the United States, scientists, researchers or students. As told RT student at Western Kentucky University (Bowling green, Kentucky) Nimes Marajade, the signing of the decree was a worrying sign not only for him but for thousands of other students from Iran, is now receiving education in the US:

I am studying biology and plan to become a doctor. Honestly, I don’t know what the future holds for me — I’m graduating this fall, but not sure if I can get a diploma. I and my friends from Iran who are studying in American universities, we feel that our education is at risk.

it’s a Shame that even my parents can’t come to prom because they live in Iran and does not allow them to cross the U.S. border.

the US President, Donald trump January 27, signed a decree on the basis of which prohibited entry into the United States to citizens of the seven predominantly Muslim countries: Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Iraq and Iran. Moreover, it indefinitely suspended the admission of refugees from Syria and from other countries — deferred for 120 days.

see also: Syrian Army broke through the defense of ISIS and clashed with the Turkish forces under al-Bab (VIDEO, MAP)

the New migration policy has caused a wave of debate not only in public but also the legislative sphere. On 9 February, a Federal judge in Seattle (Washington) James Robart temporarily suspended the migration decree of Donald trump.

“the Government has divided into two camps — some say on the correctness of monetary policy, others are encouraged to think about the losses incurred by the US economy due to the adopted Ordinance. We must understand that the citizens of all the seven “forbidden” countries who wish to study in the United States, represent significant intellectual and financial potential for the state,” commented RT Professor City University of new York Daniel Shaw.

According to the scientist, the administration of Donald trump is not limited to such measures for 90 days, and, apparently, in the near future we can expect extension of the ban.

Dean Juskalian


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