Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The CPS has denied the punishment of citizens for keeping the “sanctions” – RBK


Maria Istomina, Dmitry Kryukov, Svetlana Bocharova

Rospotrebnadzor has denied the punishment of citizens for keeping the “sanctions”


the Russians will not be fined for the import and storage of sanctions products for personal use, explained RBC in the CPS. Administrative responsibility will be subject only to those citizens who will import the products for sale

a Bill to impose fines for the import, storage and sales of banned products does not provide for administrative punishment for citizens in the case of use of such products for personal purposes. About it told RBC in the press service of Rospotrebnadzor.

As noted in the Department, responsibility for individuals can occur “only when exercising foreign economic operations, providing for the sale, storage, transportation of the territory of the Russian Federation prohibited products for sale”.

About the same RBC said Deputy Minister of industry and trade Viktor Evtukhov. According to him, the Ministry supported the bill provides for heavy fines and the removal of those sanctions products that were in the trade.

unfortunately, the “ban on imports” is not always perceived as a ban on the sale of goods, draws the attention of the Director of the Association of producers and suppliers of food products “Rusprodsoyuz” Dmitry Vostrikov. According to him, the initiative will strengthen Ropotrebnadzor responsibility for the distribution of prohibited products throughout the supply chain. However, fines in the range of 100 thousand RUB rather significant for small enterprises than for large companies, he said.

In turn, Chairman of the Committee on transport of the Moscow branch of “Support of Russia” Igor Rebelski considers the offer of CPS is “absolutely inefficient”. Legal and natural persons engaged in the transportation of the sanctions for commercial purposes, learned to circumvent existing bans. That is why we do not observe mass executions of sanctions, though on the shelves a lot of them, explains Rebelsky.

Earlier on Wednesday, 1 February, it was reported that the CPS has prepared amendments to the administrative offences Code. CaO, in particular, it is proposed to Supplement article establishing liability for the storage, transportation and sale prohibited to import to the territory of Russia products.

According to the bill posted on the portal of projects of normative acts for the storage, transportation and realization of sanctioned goods individuals will be fined for the sum from 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles For officials and individual entrepreneurs, the fines will be set at the level of 30-50 thousand RUB For companies — from 70 thousand to 100 thousand rubles.


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