Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Kane accused trump of the veneration of Putin, Kim Jong UN, Gaddafi and Hussein – View

Democratic party’s Candidate for Vice-President Timothy Kane said that the Republican leader Donald trump admires Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-UN, Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein.

during the televised debate, held Tuesday evening at the Longwood University in the town of Farmville (Virginia), he asserted that trump has “its own version of mount Rushmore” with images of these people, which Kane considers himself a “dictator”, reports TASS.

In General, the attacks on trump in undisguised sympathy for Russia and the Russian leader was one of the leitmotifs in the statements of a politician-Democrat throughout the ninety-minute verbal duel.

the American public mind mount Rushmore, the slopes of which are carved gigantic sculptural portraits of presidents George Washington,Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, is the Pantheon of national heroes. Therefore, the assertion of Kane immediately attracted attention in the U.S. media.

In particular, the newspaper Politico in his response wrote that the words of Kane are not true. Trump really tone laudatory comments about the President of Russia, she

said, but he never did the same against the current leader of the DPRK and the former leaders of Iraq and Libya.

the distortion of facts when trying to play the “Russian card” in the election campaign of Kane in the debate accuses his opponent, GOP candidate for Vice-President, Secretary Michael Penny. He said that if trump came to power, their administration will pursue a policy of “peace from a position of strength” and earn the respect of other countries, including Russia.

Earlier in the debate Mike Pence called for the creation of Russia against the missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, but also did not rule out U.S. strikes on Syrian army.

His opponent Tim Kane, meanwhile, has stated the need to continue anti-Russian sanctions.


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