the Russian Government has decided to increase from 1 July 2017 for 300 rubles minimum wage (SMIC), which will increase from the current 7,500 rubles to 7,800 rubles, said on Thursday, October 20, the Agency
labor Minister Maxim Topilin said that from 1 July 2017 the minimum wage will be increased by forecast inflation rate — 4%. He noted that raising the minimum wage will affect 0.89 million workers, 72% of whom are employed in state and municipal institutions.
the Previous increase in the minimum wage took place on 1 July 2016, when it was raised to 21% or 1296 rubles. This time the government abandoned the practice to increase the minimum wage every six months. And the size of the minimum wage will be increased not 1 January, as has happened the last four years. July 1.
the Last two times the minimum wage was increased from 1 January 2016, when it grew by 4% and reached the amount 6204 rubles a month (in the second half of 2015, the minimum wage amounted to 5965 rubles per month). And from 1 July 2016, when the minimum wage in Russia increased by 21% and now amounts to 7,500 rubles.
the minimum wage is a statutory minimum that is used to regulate wages, and to establish the temporary disability allowances. It is used to determine the taxes, penalties, and other charges. The issue of indexation of the minimum wage decided by the government.
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