Ministry of labour announced the possible size of the new dues
Yesterday at 18:01, views: 25561
Minister of labour and social protection Maxim Topilin announced the levy on non-working citizens, dubbed a “tax on parasitism”. Presumably, the state will charge them about 20 thousand rubles per year. According to the forthcoming government bill, to pay the tax must all unemployed Russians of working age — in addition to standing at the labor exchange and the disabled. In September, according to Rosstat, in Russia, there were 4 million unemployed. Of these, about one million are registered at the labor exchange. That is still about 3 million “parasites” who together can bring the state Treasury of about 60 billion rubles.

photo: Gennady Cherkasov
however, Topilin said that the sum named is “conditional” and “minimum participation” for the citizen, and the payment of 20 thousand rubles in the current economic climate is “normal” or even “not enough”. So, if you make a breakdown for each month, then the monthly fee will be only 1666 rubles. However, States there is no clear understanding whether it is monthly or onetime payment.
As formed the size of the new tax “MK” asked to explain head of laboratory of the Institute of social analysis and forecasting, Elena Grishina.
- most Likely, in this case we are talking about adding income tax and contribution to the mandatory medical insurance Fund, which is calculated from the value of the minimum wage. Now it is 7.5 thousand rubles. Well, 20 thousand rubles is obtained by adding all contributions for 12 months. If the person was employed, his salary, these funds would have been deducted. However, if the citizen is not employed, it is paid by the state. The same Topilin announced that if a person is “in the shadows”, the payment for it only in the mandatory medical insurance Fund on the average on regions is 8-9 thousand rubles a year.
Supporters of innovations rests on the fact that unemployed citizens violate the principles of fairness: insurance premiums do not, and all the social guarantees are. For example, free treatment in hospitals. While some of the unemployed is clearly not a disaster: the press is full of reports of stolen millions…
- For these proposals, I see a great desire of the state to plug holes in the budget in any way. Those who make such initiatives did not seem to want to take into account the current economic realities. Yes, of course, there are people who live on the money received from the rental cars and the like. But this story is not about all. Is it fair to assume “you sponger” a woman who stays home with the kids? In such families, where there may be two, three baby, usually only the husband works. After the introduction of the collection of this family will have to pay part of the income to the state instead of having to buy your baby new clothes. Therefore, legislators need to be very careful that the people that fall under this taxation is not to end up below the poverty line. Otherwise, the government will have to find money to help the poor. That is, such a levy is possible, but only for families whose income is above a certain level.
- And what is the level of income in this case can be considered acceptable for the collection of a “tax on spongers”?
- you Need to push off from the earnings of a particular person, and to take into account the income of the entire family. That is, taking as a basis the per capita income of the household. In many European countries that does so. If the tax turns out that for each family member, including young children, is an amount below the subsistence minimum, the tax should not be charged. Unfortunately, in Russia, we used to look at the salary each person individually, not considering that the money he feeds not only children but also elderly parents.

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