Consumer prices in Russia in September 2016 rose 0.2% in August. For 9 months of the current year inflation in Russia reached 4.1% (Dec-2015).
In the EU countries consumer prices on average in September also rose 0.2% since the beginning of the year — has grown on 0,4%. Such data results the Federal service of state statistics.
according to Rosstat, in the last month among the considered countries the greatest increase in consumer prices compared with the previous month was observed in Italy (1.9%), Ukraine (1.8%), Austria (1%), for the period from the beginning of the current year in the Republic of Belarus (8,3%), Ukraine (6.4%), Kazakhstan (5.6%).
In a number of countries, consumer prices were down, most notably in Malta and in Bulgaria (respectively 0.9% and 0.7% compared to the previous month).

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