the Minister of labour Maxim Topilin said that parasites will be charged 20 thousand rubles per year. According to officials, this is normal and even not enough. In turn, Dmitry Medvedev has asked to soften the language. Touch someone a tax on parasites? And what are the challenges facing unemployed citizens and those who wish to take from them 20 thousand officials?

As always, the confusion in terms. Dmitry Medvedev has asked not to be called “the tax” “tax on parasitism”. This is a fee for social services those who work but do not pay for them. First of all, we are talking about medicine. Here, too, is accents. The medicine we are not free. In the MLA list all of the Russian organizations. Their size depends on employees ‘ salaries. That is, by and large, for medical services paid by all formally employed and receiving wages white citizens. What, by the way, it would be nice sometimes to remember the doctors in government hospitals, but that’s another topic.
According to some reports, 30 million working-age Russians work in the informal sector. So according to the logic of the authorities, to pay for free medicine. The first problem. The Russians have a constitutional right not to work and still have the right to medical care. A make-up artist Valeriya, who unofficially work for themselves, genuinely do not understand what it want to force you to pay.
Valeria makeup artist
Problem two. Housewives raising children. They are also potential tuneage. Although raising children, engage with them, to teach them the same work. Maybe the authorities will adopt experience of Belarus. There is already a tax on parasitism, but Housewives do not pay it until the children are under the age of 10 years. In addition, neighbors had an idea that if the housewife is to be hired as a worker in your own apartment and can prove it, then she will have to pay minimum tax. Perhaps this is what they say in our Ministry of Finance: the most difficult administration. And about Belarus. Part of the local parasites working informally in the country. Here is the story of living in Russia girls Helena, who may soon become twice you sponger.
Elena former citizen of Belarus, living in Russia
the third Problem. The amount of 20 thousand rubles, which, according to labour Minister Topilin, “small.” For these and even less money in the regions can buy basic insurance LCA. From serious disease, of course, will not help. However, there is the question: on what grounds the authorities decided that self-employed citizens so actively used socialized medicine? Some of them are businessmen who make good money and can afford paid services. And can’t afford to waste time in lines and for weeks and even months to wait for the voucher. The opinion of a self-employed street musician, the leader of the group “Shark” Oleg Mokryakov.
Oleg Mokryakov street musician, the leader of the group “Sharks”
Finally, the problem of the fourth. Introducing the tax, the authorities pursue two goals. To replenish the budget and to withdraw from the shadow working informally Russians. To end up again to replenish the budget. But 20 Grand a year for part self-employed Russians — a very large sum. Some of them in the regions earn 10 thousand per month. That is, you can have income for two months. Measure hard, but will stimulate out of the shadows. However, after becoming entrepreneurs, they are in addition to those contributions, will sooner or later have to pay taxes: personal income tax, VAT or “simplified taxation.” And become transparent to the authorities. That is, to do what they do not want to. It’s called throw in the head with a stale carrot and add the carrot.

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