the FAS found cases when Russian companies to buy foreign equipment, resealable labels and sold it to a defense industry domestic writes “Kommersant”. The Prosecutor General’s office checks
the FAS checks the delivery for the needs of defense and security of the country of imported goods — particularly electronics — under the guise of Russian. This is stated in the letter of the Deputy head of the service Maxim Ovchinnikov in the Ministry of industry and trade dated 18 August, writes “Kommersant”.
the author of the letter talks about instances “when registered in the territory of the Russian Federation entities acquire the goods imported and not producing them any significant technological operations are actually limited to disassembly-Assembly, replacement of decals or Russification, implement them in the framework of the state defense order under the guise of goods produced in the Russian Federation”.
the Representative of the FAS Daria Silkou confirmed to the newspaper audit. In the Ministry of industry on the request is not answered.
a letter From the chief of Department on supervision of execution of laws in the defense sector of the state office of public Prosecutor Dmitry Demechina the Association of suppliers of electronic components (ASPEK) of October 13, it follows that this question has interested the state office of public Prosecutor.
“the Prosecutor General’s office carried out checks of execution of Federal legislation in the field of import of foreign products used in the creation, production and repair of weapons, military and special equipment, as well as compliance in the use of budget funds allocated for the development of innovative projects”, — said in the letter. Demesin ASPEK requests to provide data on the evasion of the customer from the acquisition of Russian equipment, there are problems with insufficient capacity utilization and the insufficient measures of state support.
Executive Director, ASPEK confirmed “Kommersant” the receipt of the letter. The Prosecutor’s office did not respond to a request.
As reported by the newspaper, several sources in the defense industry, between checks of the state office of public Prosecutor and FAS there is no direct connection, but both are aimed at establishing the effectiveness of measures on import substitution. According to them, the results will be presented to the Cabinet and the presidential administration.
defense Ministry spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Deryabin exclude the ingress of counterfeit components in products manufactured for the Ministry of defense. According to him, at all stages of the production of weapons, military and special equipment is subject to strict control by the military representative of the Ministry. In the field of defence procurement there are strict requirements that make the supply of foreign equipment under the guise of Russian “practically impossible”, said the representative of the United instrument-making Corporation (part of rostec), Leonid Khozin.
however, three of the interlocutor of the newspaper in the electronics market say that the supply of foreign equipment under the Russian scheme is often used OEM (original equipment manufacturer). In the framework of the Russian companies purchase equipment from foreign vendors after the upgrade and sell it under its brand. OEM, according to one of the interlocutors, is practiced all over the world. “In Russia, often take foreign technology without some modernization put on her own label,” he said.
agree With him CEO manufacturer of telecollaborative “Elteks” Alexei Chernikov. According to him, perekleivanie labels is practiced in large numbers by using a diagram of the OEM. “It allows Chinese vendors to continue to supply its equipment to Russia in large numbers, despite the policy of import substitution and Russian companies not to spend money on the development and creation of this production, because from the point of view of the profitability of producing in China is still much cheaper,” he says.

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