Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The secret expenses of the Russian budget can increase because of the war in Syria – Moscow Komsomolets

Spending on “defense industry” will grow on the backdrop of the budget sequester

Today at 12:41, views: 592

the Finance Ministry proposes to increase spending on closed articles of the budget of 680 billion rubles. Thus, the share of classified expenditures will amount to 4.4% of GDP and would be the highest in the history of modern Russia.

Секретные  расходы  российского  бюджета  могут  увеличить  из-за  войны в  Сирии

photo: pixabay.com

the Finance Ministry proposes to make changes to the Federal budget and increase secret and top secret appropriations for the 680 billion rubles. This is evidenced by the draft law published on the portal of laws and regulations.

the requested amount will be obtained by increasing the total spending budget on 304,3 billion and spending cuts of the departments of social clauses, investment and private content on 374,5 billion rubles, writes “Газета.Ru”.

In the case of the amendments of the secret allocations will be of 3.66 trillion rubles, or 22 percent of total spending, estimated RBC. This is the most in the history of modern Russia, says the head of military economy laboratory of the Gaidar Institute Vasily Zatsepin.

According to him, the reason for the growth of such spending is the war in Syria, the increased appetites of the military industrial complex and intelligence agencies, as well as the creation of Regardie. In addition, it is now a rearmament program until 2020, the expert said.

meanwhile, as reports “Газета.Ru” the Finance Ministry proposes to give the Minister Anton Siluanov powers without approvals to distribute up to 10% of all costs in favor of the security forces. Relevant amendments proposed to the Budget code of the Russian Federation.

last year, the share of classified expenditures in the Federal budget was 20%. According to the current at the moment the law on the budget in 2016, it was down to 18.5%, but this did not happen.

In 2015, in the article “national defense” classified expenditure amounted to 67%. In this secret budget is in the sections on “economy”, “education” and “health”.


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