Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Kudrin: Russia will emerge on the economic growth of 3-4 % – REGNUM

Moscow, October 4, 2016, 12:52 — REGNUM a Former Finance Minister (may 2000 — September 2011) of Russia and the President of the Foundation Council of the Center for strategic research Alexei Kudrin said that the Russian economy is beginning to “leave the peak”. In five years the growth will be three to four percent. About the same time Kudrin said at a business forum in Atlanta” today, 4 October.

Commenting on the dynamics of the Russian economic performance, Kudrin said that this year the decline is 0.6%, while next year, economists expect growth of 0.5−0.8%.

“I reiterate that this is statistically not as much as I would like, but we have come out of this nosedive”, — said the former Minister of Finance.

Kudrin said that growth will begin with a pace comparable to that of stagnation. According to experts, a good indicator is the ability of the Russian economy to react to market signals.

the Former Finance Minister expressed confidence that Russia will experience economic growth in the next five years will be released at the rate of three to four percent. Once again he pointed to the inhibitory effect of the large share of the public sector in the Russian economy.

“They are inefficient, inflexible, used the administrative resource, a substitute for the private sector or to push him. It’s just become one of the most important problems” he explained.

As previously reported REGNUM on the forum, Kudrin said that Russia has a chance to go to the non-oil economy in 10-12 years: “then we’re going to talk about avoiding the “oil needle”.

Read earlier in this story: Kudrin said that Russia will be able to get off the “oil needle”

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