Sunday, December 4, 2016

The media reported the theft of 2 billion rubles from the accounts of the Central Bank – RBC

Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina/RBC

Hackers tried to steal 5 billion rubles from Russian banks, which were in the Bank, according to CNN. According to the channel, a portion of this amount management controller failed to remove stolen in the end was 2 billion rubles.

Hackers stole 2 billion rubles from Russian banks, which were in the CBA, writes CNN. According to the channel, the regulator confirmed this information.

According to the Deputy chief of safety and protection of the Central Bank Artem Sychev, hackers tried to steal 5 billion rubles, but the theft was stopped. “We are fortunate to return the money,” — said the representative of the Bank of Russia.

Who exactly attacked the Russian banks, are not reported. Also, the Central Bank did not specify when and how did the break-in. However, according to CNN, the attack is similar to those that have occurred recently around the world. In particular, the channel discusses a hacker attack on Ecuador in January 2015, the Philippines in October, Vietnam two months ago and Bangladesh last February.

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CNN is also citing a statement by the Central Bank writes that the purpose of the cyber-attacks have become private banks, which was stolen money. However, the details of the incident are not given.

on 1 December “Kommersant”, citing two sources in the information security market and close to the Central Bank of the interviewee said that one of the Russian banks have lost more than RUB 100 million due to cyber attacks. In a press-service of the Bank of Russia confirmed that the regulator has fixed the fact of the attack and that, according to preliminary estimates, the damage amounted to little more than RUB 100 million Of which the Bank in question was not specified.

the newspaper’s Source in the Bank said that, according to one version, there was a cyber attack using a vulnerability in the automated banking system (ABS), developed by Diasoft company, which was used by the Bank. “Hackers apparently infiltrated the network of the Bank and cracked the ABS. As a result, the payment of ABS for a large sum came out with a spoofed address. If the investigation confirms that the incident will be the first case of a successful attack on the ABS with a serious theft”, — said the source “Kommersant” in the market of information security.

on the Eve of the Federal security service (FSB) reported that the largest Russian banks in dozens of cities have become targets of massive cyber attacks prepared by foreign special services. According to her, the attack must begin on 5 December. Server capabilities and command centers for cyber-attacks located in the territory of the Netherlands and belong to a Ukrainian hosting company BlazingFast, noted the FSB.

the Central Bank stressed that has all the complete information about the threat of cyber attacks on the financial system of Russia. The regulator has given the necessary advice to banks, he said.

Deputy Finance Minister of Russia Alexei Moiseev in turn, said that the cyber security system of Russian banks able to repel the attacks, which warned of the FSB. “The biggest stupidity of the people that it [a cyber attack] came up with, is that there are generally no clues. With the same success we can say that the earth will fly the celestial axis. All nonsense,” said Moses.


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