Friday, December 2, 2016

The court rejected the claim of the Ministry of Finance to Potanin for $68 million – RBC

the Owner of Interros President and Norilsk Nickel Vladimir Potanin

Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina/RBC

the Claim of the Ministry of Finance to Vladimir Potanin for $ 68.2 million rejected. The representative of Interros said that the company believes the decision “fair.”

the Moscow Arbitration court dismissed the claim of the Ministry of Finance to the owner of Interros President and Norilsk Nickel Vladimir Potanin about the recovery of the $ 68.2 million loss, reports the correspondent of “RIA Novosti” from the courtroom.

“Satisfied, believe that this is fair,” said RBC representative of “Interros”.

the Lawsuit was filed in may last year by Vnesheconombank on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, wrote RBC. Defendants therein specified, in addition to Potanin’s company, Interros International Investments Limited, a subsidiary owned by Potanin of Interros holding company.

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the VEB noted that in 2009, he has served on behalf of the Ministry of Finance suit on debt recovery, but in 2010, “Roskhlebproduct” without notice to creditors changed location, name (OJSC “Agroinvestprom”) and began the process of liquidation through bankruptcy. In October 2009 OJSC “Agroinvestprom” was declared bankrupt and liquidated, on the basis of which the proceedings was discontinued, said the Bank.

Neither the Finance Ministry nor the court considering the claim about collecting of the debt, this scheme was not notified, reported WEBB. Liquidation of the company, the Bank, was conducted with “gross violations of the law.”

the Ministry of Finance then explained RBC that the point involved in the case as one of the co-defendants “as the ultimate beneficial owner of one of the shareholders of JSC “Fkk Roskhleboprodukt”.


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