Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Central Bank denied the theft by hackers of 2 billion rubles – the Russian Newspaper

Central Bank denied the theft by hackers of 2 billion rubles.

the Bank of Russia in an interview with “Russian newspaper” has denied the information of the American TV channel CNN that the hackers managed to steal from the correspondent accounts of the Central Bank two billion rubles.

In the “financial stability Review”, which was presented yesterday, they talked about all the losses incurred by commercial banks and their customers from hacker attacks for all of 2016. Loss, actually, not great, it’s thousandths of a percent of the total payments. Only criminals tried to steal about 5 billion rubles, but the bulk of the illegal operations managed to stop in time.

Now banks are “cut off” for borrowers that would have had to spend on paying the loan more than 45 percent of revenue

Meanwhile, the FSB has warned about preparing cyber attacks on banks by foreign intelligence services in the period from 5 December. The Central Bank extraordinary effects from them do not expect, as the security of banks is at the proper level. It recalled that in November 8 banks came under massive DDos attack, but none of them of irregularities in the operation of the service was not all survived.

see also

Now almost all the banks involved in the exchange of information, the Central Bank received notification of suspicious activity and the user. Not staying aside from the DDoS attack mitigation and Telecom operators, all traffic goes through their network. “Everything that could have been done to prevent this infection, we did,” assured the Deputy chief of the Main Directorate of security and information protection, Bank of Russia Artem Sychev.

Meanwhile, the Bank of Russia is studying the mechanism of restriction of granting of consumer credits to borrowers with high debt load. This is stated in the Bank “financial stability Review”. Banks when issuing loans, and so always try to determine whether pull customer debt service, and measure against the stated loan to total family income (Payment-to-Income PTI).

the figure for new Bank customers now remains at the level of 44-45%. This border banks “cut off” borrowers, believing that the higher the PTI, the probability of delay. But this is an average and typically, the larger the Bank, the more stringent requirements for the borrower, while smaller banks can go for more risk and even outright dumping in the fight for the client.

the Bank of Russia can establish an upper bound on the debt ratios using the sum of all debt existing on the hands from the borrower (Debt-to-Income – DTI).

this is probably a direct ban will not happen: the Central Bank will make loans to the borrowers with a high DTI just unfavorable through elevated risk factors. A similar mechanism operates in respect of foreign currency loans and unsecured loans, whose total value exceeds the established Central Bank levels. A specific value DTI, the Bank of Russia will determine, after consultation with market participants, said the first Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Ksenia Yudaeva on the question of “RG”.

At the beginning of next year, the regulator will submit the Advisory report on this subject. “In the short term” measure to implement don’t plan to “overheating” in the consumer credit market have not yet planned, but experience suggests that the situation can change quickly, and the Bank of Russia is preparing for this in advance, said Yudaeva.

see also

After a continuous decline since the beginning of 2015 potrebkreditovaniya in II-III quarters of stabiliziruemost about null values in quarterly and monthly terms. With 2015 banks, according to the expected share of “bad loans” has doubled the requirements for borrowers, and the new generation of loans generally are serviced much better than issued during the pre-crisis boom.

the Limitations associated with DTI, used in many countries, such as Singapore, the UK, the Netherlands and Ireland. For them to be provided with operational access to the data Bank Bureau of credit histories and information about the borrower’s income.

In Russia, it still depends on the prices for the services of credit bureaus and the quality of their information. With regard to income information, the state Duma has adopted in first reading a bill that will allow banks to automatically obtain at the request of the borrower with information about his salary from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It will be more convenient than to obtain the certificate of personal income tax-2 in all jobs, where people worked in the past few months.

Similar restrictions on the issuance of loans to borrowers with high debt are planned to be implemented through industry standards in the microfinance market. In addition, the Central Bank considers increased reserve requirements for possible losses depending on the magnitude of the total loan value. The banking MFIs 15 percent of loans issued at a rate of over 100 percent per annum.


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