Monday, December 5, 2016

MTS declined from higher roaming prices – RBC

the man with the phone at the office of the mobile operator MTS in Moscow

Photo: Maxim Blinov/RIA Novosti

MTS on Monday advised the Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS) that refused to increase tariffs in roaming, said Deputy head of FAS Anatoly Golomolzin (his words are in the message the Agency sent out a Telegram).

This information was confirmed by the representative of MTS Dmitry Solodovnikov. “We took this decision in response to numerous requests from our customers, and bearing in mind the difficult economic situation, especially in the regions. No increases in the prices of roaming calls in 2016 — before the winter holiday season is not going to happen,” explained Solodovnikov rejection of higher prices.

the intention to increase basic rates while roaming in 38 countries MTS has warned subscribers on November 21. Depending on the country’s growth had to be from a few percent up to several times. For example, in Norway, Sweden and Finland, the price of minute of conversation would have increased twice, up to 50 rbl. the Operator also planned to increase the value by selecting “Bits without borders” by 10%, but had intended to expand the list of countries where it operates. Changes in tariffs Dmitry Solodovnikov explained the high cost of roaming services. At the same time, MTS had planned to reduce the price of calls in roaming in ten countries, as well as the cost of selecting the “Free trip”. As said Solodovnikov, the option price of the “Free journey” on December 9, will be reduced by 25%: for 190 rubles. per day, the subscriber will receive the opportunity for hours to talk for the price of 3 rubles per minute.

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on 25 November the head of Department of regulation of communications and information technologies of the FAS Elena zaeva announced that the service is sent to MTS and MegaFon requests in connection with the statements about the increase of roaming tariffs.

Then Solodovnikov called the increase “a necessary measure” and explained its economic reasons. MTS “works with serious negative margins in some areas”, he said.

the “MegaFon” announced the price increase, but the FAS referred to the fact that the operator spoke about this intention in the press. The representative of “MegaFon” has not commented on the new statement of the FAS.


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