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MOSCOW, August 10 – RIA Novosti / Prime . the development of single-industry towns Fund may, until the end of the year to assist in the amount of about 20 billion rubles 20-25 cities are in the most difficult situation, first Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov.
According to him, of 319 mono-cities of the Russian Federation a difficult situation today formed in 100 settlements. In company towns is home to over 7 million people of working age.
“We are now considering the most sophisticated company towns, and understand that this single-industry towns by the end of this year, the Development Fund of single-industry towns will be decided on the order of 20 billion rubles. And it will be 20-25 relate to the cities, where the situation is the most difficult, “- said Shuvalov at a meeting of Russian President with cabinet members
Deputy Prime Minister recalled that the single-industry towns support defined by the president of the Russian Federation as one of the priorities in the work of the strategic Council. development and priority projects.
“Integrated development of single-industry towns designated as one of the priorities. We are working on this project, will have in the near future, at the next meeting of the presidium, which makes the Prime Minister, to identify the key performance indicators” – said Shuvalov
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