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20:06 31.08.2016
(updated: 20:08 31.08.2016 )
535 0 2
Moscow, 31 August -.. RIA Novosti statements of members of the accumulative part of pensions the fate of the government in 2017 is premature, says the head of Andrei Makarov budget and taxes of the State Duma Committee on
Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets earlier on Wednesday said that the accumulative of the pensions in the Russian Federation in 2017 will be re-frozen – budgetary transfers to the pension Fund on payment of the insurance premium that goes to the funded part of the pension, according to her, it is not provided in the next year.
“Any statements about the fate of funded pensions in the next year are premature, since its position on the federal budget for 2017 the government will form only on October 13″, – he said Makarov told reporters. Earlier it was reported that the government will consider the main features of the draft federal budget for 2017 and the planning period of 2018-2019 years of October 13.
Makarov said that in the current situation it is necessary to focus on the job to find a means for indexing scholarship fund and other social benefits.
He also said that the fall of the deputies to be consideration of the draft federal budget in the State Duma, where the parliament will carefully analyze all proposals. “I do not think that this debate will be a simple”, – concluded Makarov
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