Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Funded part of pensions will be frozen in 2017 – RIA Novosti

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Moscow, 31 August – RIA Novosti Funded part of pensions in 2017 will be re-frozen -. budget transfers to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) for compensation of insurance premium, which is for this purpose, in the next year is not provided, told reporters Vice . Prime Minister Olga Golodets

“we have not planned, not adjusted (the transfer to the pension Fund for compensation funded pensions – Ed.). Even marginal limits reported, they do not transfer to the Pension Fund, “- explained Golodets

The question will remain whether the freezing accumulative part of pensions in 2017, she said:” Yes. “

The Minister of Labour and. Social Protection Maxim Topilin in mid-July, said that the current Ministry of Finance on the budget estimates 2017-2019 years, is not intended to transfer to the pension Fund.

The funded part of pension is formed from contributions by the employer, and benefits from its successful investment management companies, which are nationals can choose their own These funds are paid to pensioners every month

The funded portion is frozen in Russia in 2014:.. insurance employer contributions in full go to the distribution part of the pension system This has allowed the authorities to save part of the budget spending on transfers to the pension Fund..

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