Almost half the legal labor migrants – Uzbek

Testing of foreign citizens on the knowledge of the Russian language in a single migration center of Moscow
Photo: TASS, Artem Korotaev
Moscow. 6 August. INTERFAX.RU – The volume of revenues from PIT ( tax on personal income – IF ) in the Moscow budget from migrant workers in the first half of this year amounted to 6.8 billion rubles, which is 2.3 times higher than the income tax . income from oil companies registered in Moscow
“The economic model of migration management is optimal for all involved -. for the city, for the Muscovites, for migrants Institute of patents for migrants took place – in the capital created an effective instrument of control . and the regulation of labor migration flows on the one hand, in Moscow there was the legalization of foreign labor migration market has become more
He also said that the first half of 2016 by the Moscow migration center issued 195 thousand. patents held 199 thousand. medical examinations and 128 thousand. tests in the Russian language , the history of Russia and the basics of Russian legislation
“on average in the first half of the patent documents, giving the right to work in Moscow, taken daily in 1200 migrants, -. Reshetnikov said. – In 2016, the size of the payment for the work the patent in Moscow is 4200 rubles. Payment for a patent is a down payment on personal income tax, which may be claimed by businesses using migrant labor, to return “
Department Head said that this year, migrant workers, legal issue and receive patents, -. This 43 % – Uzbeks, 30% – the Tajiks, 16% – Ukrainians

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