The reliability of the Ukrainian pipeline for a long time the EU does not believe
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The struggle to take part in the supply of Russian gas to Europe worsened. At least in the creation of a new gas pipeline, which is excluded from the scheme of the export route to Ukraine. On the eve of his visit to Russia, the head of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan made it clear that he is ready to unfreeze the project “Turkish Stream”. At the same time the Prime Minister of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov said that in the near future there will Russian-Bulgarian working group that will reanimate the construction of the gas pipeline “South Stream”, an alternative export route “blue fuel” to Europe. This means one thing: if the decision on the establishment of a tube will, after the completion of construction of gas pipeline system of Ukraine will be shut out of the game and Kiev finally collapses into an economic abyss
The new gas pipeline from Russia to Europe has to be laid. But what of the Russian proposal is still under question. There are three routes:. “Nord Stream-2″, “South Stream” and “Turkish Stream»
«Nord Stream-2″ is an extension of the same name, and already existing gas pipeline from Russia through the Baltic Sea to Germany. Its capacity should reach 55 billion cubic meters.
«South Stream” would lay across the Black Sea from Anapa in Bulgaria’s Varna, and then its branches would reach Italy and Austria. Capacity – 63 billion cubic meters
«Turkish stream.” – This is actually an analogue of the “South”, it would also go under the Black Sea from Anapa, but not in Bulgaria and in Turkey. On the Turkish-Greek border expected to build a distribution hub, through which the gas would be able to get the other EU countries.
However, with the construction of each of these pipes always had problems. It was not that there was no money. The investment was in excess. I look only to their shareholders. For example, “North Stream-2″ should be in the ownership of “Gazprom” (51%), the E.ON German, Austrian OMV, international Shell, BASF / Wintershall (10%) and ENGIE (9%). Control of the sea section of “South” in addition to “Gazprom” (50%) expected to receive the Italian Eni’s (20%), the French EDF Group and the German Wintershall AG (15%). Land plots the route had to be part of the Austrian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Greek, Serbian, Slovenian and Croatian disposal. “Turkish stream” would be in possession of our two countries on the definition.
All three pipeline cost started, but then stopped. European countries, who were interested (and financially) in the creation of these routes, in every way hampered the process. In 2012, Brussels launched against the “South Stream” investigation into its compliance with the requirements of the “Third Energy Package”, which obliged the Russian side to give independent companies and 50% of the pipe capacity. When Moscow refused, the European Commission has forced Bulgaria to block construction that paralyzed laying the offshore section across the Black Sea
With the “Turkish Stream” everything seems to going well -. We wanted to make it a substitute for the “South” and take advantage of its construction has already laid pipes through the Black Sea waters. But downed in November 2015 by the Turkish Air Force Russian Su-24 has put an end to this project.
«Nord Stream-2″ while nobody canceled, but against him categorically US Department of State. At first glance, Washington has nothing to do with it – what difference to him, building new gas pipelines to Europe, Russia or not? But the US still supports Ukraine and construction of the “Nord Stream-2″, as well as completion of other gas transmission projects, crosses out the pipe system Square from the scheme of gas supplies to the Old World countries. Kiev in this case finally sink in the financial whirlpool. It will have to support once again, highlighting it and more new loans. Therefore, the United States and opposes the construction of Russian gas pipeline.
But it is clear that already think differently in Europe. After Erdogan confessed to Vladimir Putin for the downed bomber, both sides announced the “Turkish stream” possible resuscitation. This is understandable. Moscow is beneficial, any alternative to the Ukraine as a gas transit country, and Ankara may receive up to $ 3 billion a year for the supply of “blue fuel” to Europe.
There is a desire to revive the frozen “South Stream” lit Bulgaria, Prime Minister which Boyko Borisov said that they would set up working groups to restore Russian energy projects, including the construction of a gas pipeline
If Turkey in the issue of the creation of the pipe operates relatively independently (clear that without Russia the country rolls into the hole -. drop in tourism flow, reducing fruit-vegetable export, and so on), then Bulgaria is clearly acting with the filing of Brussels and the proposal to restore the negotiations on the “South stream” initiated by the “big brother” – the European Commission. In this case, Russia has a chance to bargain and bring down the cost of the project. In the middle of last year, the then Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yildiz has guaranteed our country prices by more than 10% for the construction of the first line of “Turkish stream”. We can assume that Bulgaria will also promise such preferences
There is only one trouble -. Constructing one or another gas pipeline, Russia will be in a dependent relationship or from Turkey, or from Bulgaria, which, like Ukraine, will be able to blackmail our country and demand discounts on Russian gas.
However, the two pipes, as well as the “Nord stream-2″, can still be built. Europe is on the brink of gas hunger. Of course, this question is not one or two years, but one or two decades. According to the British Agency European Center for Energy and Resource Security, by 2035, you may experience the production deficit in Europe amounting to 90 billion cubic meters. Now consumption in Europe is around 400 billion. According to the deputy head of “Gazprom” Alexander Medvedev, the 2025 European demand for additional supplies will be 145 billion cubic meters, and by 2035 will grow to 185 billion. That is, in terms of almost 600 billion. Russia can increase production of these volumes. However, this requires investment and technology, which we have so far is not enough. Obstacles are sanctions. For many European countries speak of the need to remove them. Perhaps the resumption of negotiations on the establishment of the “South Stream” – is the first step

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