For the public discussion hosted project 1 of the RF Government, which established rules for financing the common property of the overhaul of apartment buildings at the expense of Fund of assistance to housing and communal services reform (hereinafter – Fund). Matching funds will be directed to the budgets of RF subjects for this region will need to apply.
It has been established that the financial support will be provided for one of two purposes. First – reimbursement of expenses to pay interest on loans that were drawn for the overhaul. And the penalty (fine, penalty) for violation of the terms of the contract will not be funded. Another possible source of funding – partial reimbursement of costs directly for the overhaul
The amount of financial support is limited -. For a single apartment building, he can not be more than 5 million rubles. or 50% of the cost of the work or overhaul services.
The new rules it is determined that the financial support will be provided under certain conditions. For example, in the course of the overhaul must be carried out energy saving measures and energy efficiency are included in a special list. As a result of their implementation to pay the costs of heat and electricity and natural gas must be reduced by at least 10% for each apartment building.
A apartment buildings, where it is planned to carry out major repairs shall meet the requirements. First, they should not be recognized the emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction. Secondly, from the year of their entry into operation must pass more than five but less than 60 years. Thirdly, such homes should be equipped with common house devices of the account of consumption of utility resources. It was found that the law of the subject of the Russian Federation additional requirements for apartment buildings
Sticky can be established that recovery for capital repairs will be carried out in two stages. 50% – after the extensive repairs of 50% – when the target resource savings. In case no such indicators subjects of the Russian Federation will have to return the money in full or in part.
According to the draft government decree, for overhaul may be involved in regional and local budgets, and requirements to the volume of equity financing in these cases installed.
The public discussion of the draft Cabinet decision last until 22 August.
1 The text of the draft decree of the RF Government “On Granting of financial support at the expense of the state corporation – Fund of assistance to reforming housing and communal services for capital repair of common property in apartment buildings “and materials to it are available on the portal of the Federal draft regulations (ID: 01/01 / 08-16 / 00051456).

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