Sunday, July 26, 2015

Banking licenses responded to pensions – Kommersant

license of the bank, Anatoly Motylev has created complexity and pension funds, which are funds of more than 1 million people. Of the seven APF associated with Mr. Motylev, pension funds at least four funds could hang in the banks lost their licenses. The regulator has already showed discontent with the investment policies of the NPF.

On Friday, after the official declaration of the Central Bank to revoke the licenses of three banks Anatoly Motylev (M Bank, AMB Bank and “Russian credit”), the largest of its controlled NPF – “The sun. Life. Pension” issued release, which said that “the data controller action against the bank” Russian credit “a negative impact on the work of the fund, but did not cause serious damage to its activities.” SPC confirms that money on current accounts to conduct operations with pension reserves and own funds blocked.

Total Anatoly Motylev controls seven NPF. According to the Central Bank on April 1, the total amount of own property in seven funds Mr. Motylev 61.7 billion rubles. They are pension funds (formed under the mandatory pension insurance) more than 1 million citizens and pension reserves (funds non-government pensions) 95,3 thousand.

At the moment, according to information “Kommersant”, at least in the four NPF (“sun. Life. The pension”, “Sberfond Sunny Beach”, “Protecting the Future” and “Uraloboronzavodsky”) stuck the money in banks with revoked licenses. Based on the statements of the APF at the beginning of the year, deposits and current accounts in banks of the group can be placed about 64 million rubles. pension reserves. “Rub.- 64 million drop in the bucket of total assets (more than 60 billion rubles.), – Indicates the director of NPF top 10.- Another thing is that pension funds are also invested in dubious assets, most likely, in the business of Mr. Motylev, associated with real estate. ” Five of the seven NPF Mr. Motylev investment of pension savings in mortgage participation certificates (ISU) at the beginning of 2015 ranged from 37.3% to 39.3%. “Rate ISU is almost impossible, often in their” protection “illiquid assets” – indicates the head of a large management company. Another two more SPF 40% are investing in some “other assets”. Due to the inability to quickly sell securities NPF Anatoly Motylev had not had time to date (31 May) to transfer money to the NPF, which in 2013-2014 was decided to transfer the accumulation of their clients (see. “Kommersant” on June 3). This provoked criticism from the Central Bank: Now all funds groups conducted inspection, and for the management company “Interfin Capital”, to invest their savings, a ban on the disposal of assets of the Fund.

So far, the only solution to the problem, which is seen in the collections of Mr. Motylev – to negotiate with the interim administration of the Central Bank, which operates in the bank after the revocation of the license. Official shareholder NPF “sun. Life. The pension” and “Sberfond Sunny Beach” Andrei Kulikov told “Kommersant” that he expects that in the framework of a dialogue with the interim administration’s own funds of funds on accounts of banks will be unlocked and placed on accounts with other banks. However, to implement this plan is unlikely. “It is a violation of the law on bankruptcy. No agreement can not be, there is a procedure under which the register of creditors formed and set their sequence – says the law firm partner Andrew Lidings Zelenin.- As part of a bank failure NPF – creditors of the third stage.”

According to the participants of the pension market, the Central Bank verifies the funds and to decide their fate. “Given the fact that the head structure of the lost license, a chance to join the guarantee system (the deadline for the beginning of 2016 goda.- ” b “) for these NPF virtually no means the right to work with the accumulation of funds risk losing – says CEO NPF “Participation” Sergei Zytsar.- And as reserves hovered, then to the activities of non-state pension funds have obvious problems. I assume that they can withdraw the license. ” However, according to the representative of the NPF of the top 20, while the funds will make it possible to continue working as a systemically important.

Mr. Kulikov admits that the NPF will be new investors and partners. In what format can pass the deal is not yet clear. February 19, “Kommersant” wrote about the regulator plans to introduce a mechanism of readjustment in the pension market. According to representatives of several large pension funds and bankers, the initiator of this idea – the main shareholder Mikhail Shishkhanov Binbanka also gathered a group of five NPF. The BIN Group said yesterday “Kommersant” that the purchase NPF close to “the Russian loan” them “uninteresting.” But a source in the O1 Group (owns three NPF) he said he did not rule out interest in rehabilitation after the appearance of its mechanism and conduct due diligence. The mechanism of readjustment Bank of Russia still has not been submitted.

If an investor is not found and the funds still withdraw the license, then, because they did not come into the system guaranteeing the nominal value of contributions to the funded part of the citizens will reimburse the Central Bank, placing them in FIU. Customers of non-state pension risk being left with nothing: pension reserves are not insured, and the sale of assets of the liquidated NPF can take years.

Maria Yakovleva


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