Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Latvian Saeima elected president Raymond Vejonis – RIA Novosti

 Minister of Defence of Latvia Raimonds Vejonis. Archival photo

© Photo: Saeima

RIGA, June 3 – RIA Novosti. Saeima at an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday to elect the president candidate of the party “Union of Greens and peasants’ Defense Minister Raymond Vejonis, reports RIA Novosti.

For Vejonis in the fifth round of the first round voted 55 deputies of the Diet.

Latvia is a parliamentary republic. According to the country’s constitution the president is elected by the Saeima. To win, a candidate in the elections need to enlist the support of at least 51 deputies out of 100. The President is elected by secret ballot by members of parliament.

For the highest office fought four candidates: two from the government coalition – Vejonis Egils Levits and the lawyer

(“All – Latvia”), and two representatives of the opposition parties – Martins Bondars (“Regional Alliance”) and Sergey Dolgopolov (“Consent” ).

The first round of voting with the participation of all candidates did not reveal the winner. In the second round, none of the candidates also won 51% of the vote, so by the Constitution in the future during the vote from the competition candidates are eliminated one by one. After the second round of voting was eliminated from the competition Bondars, after the third – Dolgopolov.

The Latvian President is elected for 4 years. One person can not hold office for more than two consecutive terms. President of Latvia may be a citizen of Latvia, is not younger than 40 years, has no criminal record. Since the restoration of Latvia’s independence in 1991 the country had four presidents – Guntis Ulmanis, Vaira Vike-Freiberga of Latvia Valdis Zatlers and Andris Berzins.


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