Wednesday, June 24, 2015

In “IG” had his own currency – Dni.Ru

The militants of the terrorist group “Islamic State” began to what was promised in November 2014 – started to mint its own money. One gold Islamic Dinar cost is $ 139.
Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press / Dena Assad

The terrorist group “Islamic State” has started minting its own currency. The new coin will be known as the Islamic Dinar as the coins that were in circulation during the time of Caliph Uthman in the 630s AD. As conceived by the Islamists dinar will not be affected by fluctuations in the currency market as not only be backed by gold – he will be gold .

The first samples of its currency terrorists have already been made, reports The Telegraph. Relevant photos have been posted on social networks supporting the “Islamic state” activists. Islamic dinar to contain yourself image map of the world, the slogans in Arabic, referring to the Koran, as well as the symbol of the seven ears . The declared value of the coin is about $ 139.


Back in November 2014, “IG” announced that it would provide its own currency circulation in areas under the control of terrorist groups. This will be done, according to representatives of the Islamists to “ free from Satan’s world economic system “.

As a basis, it was decided to take the original dinar circulated in the year 634 of our AD during the reign of Caliph Uthman. Then the calculations used seven types of coins – two gold, three silver and two copper. Activists promise that dwell on the area controlled by the terrorists will have to deal with it “soon”.

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