Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Anton Siluanov: “In China, there is practically no pension provision in rural areas …” – BUSINESS Online. Tatarstan

The Ministry of Finance has finally recognized that taxes on business in Russia are high. At least in comparison with the BRICS countries

The State Duma parliamentary hearings discussed the tax foundation three-year budget of Russia. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov hinted that if the country needs growth, without the reduction of the tax burden can not do. And for that just need to cut spending in the first place – social and defense, and to increase the retirement age. Experts “Business Online» believe that “social” in the Duma did not “slaughter”, the more that the costs to support demand.

CUT “social” in any case have

directions of tax policy of Russia in the next three years discussed in the State Duma on the eve of the parliamentary hearings. This document is the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation traditionally prepared by May. After its approval, it begins imposition budget for the next three years. According to the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanova , a document based on the message of the President of Russia and suggests that in the coming years will not be taken any decisions that increase the burden on business. The document includes a number of tasks: the creation of tax incentives for economic growth, as well as structural changes in the Russian economy, increasing equity of the tax system, preventing tax evasion.

Turning to the issue of reducing the tax burden, which is always asks business , Siluanov said confidently that their threshold for lowering taxes, we can deduce, analyze the situation only if the neighbors – the BRICS countries and the EU. Apparently, the minister has already done. And he came to the conclusion that in our country the taxes higher than the BRICS countries and some members of the Customs Union, but lower than in the EU. “The tax burden in Russia is now around 36 percent of GDP,” – he said. And then he added that the root of all evil – in the budget expenditures. And they are in Russia for some parameters higher than in those countries. For example, sotsraskhody, including health care, in our country – 16%, and in the BRICS and Kazakhstan – 10%, defense consumes 4% of GDP, while in China, only 2%, while in Kazakhstan and even less – by 1%. “The issue of the tax burden – a public choice between how much cost we should have, how much cost we can afford. This is the amount of the tax burden, which we determine on the basis of our commitments, “- commented Siluanov.

But the social obligations, seemed agitated minister most. Especially pensions. He again cited the example of neighbors Kazakhstan, retirement, do it three years later than Russia. And in China, according to a senior official, “in rural areas is practically no pension.” Of course, Siluanov standing behind the podium, did not dare to deprive the pension offer all residents of villages, but many patients to the subject touched again. He seemed to hint that the government is still the subject of raising the retirement age to discuss, and do it for the sake of reducing the tax burden, which is now, according to the minister, almost responsible expenditure obligations – the budget deficit is 3.5%. “But if you reduce taxes, you have to decide on what obligations have to give,” – said Siluanov. Speaking of spending cuts and the cancellation of any obligation, the minister obviously test the waters for the next three-year. Hinted that cut all the same in any case have to. And in the name of a good cause – of economic growth.

BIND region reduces the burden on business

Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev as well as his colleague, started up in comparison with its neighbors, and came to the conclusion that Russia is a big difference of the tax burden: taxes higher than the EAEC, 17%, and higher than in the BRICS countries, 22 %. “This ensures the competitiveness of our other businesses, the opportunity to enter their markets of other countries,” – said Ulyukayev. But he immediately made a reservation that it is only fixed in the Tax Code of fees, but there are still a large number of other payments. This means that the Russian economy at all losing attractiveness for investors.

However, in the MED region are also concerned granted the right to reduce the tax burden on business. This Ulyukayev said, could trigger tax competition between subjects, plus the lost revenue will in the already scarce budgets. Therefore, the Minister said that the regions should be required to reduce the burden on business, to compensate for lost income due to the federal budget. “In this regard, in our view, do not have to enter the right and duty of the Federation with the relevant interbudgetary transfers to compensate for lost income,” – he suggested.


The president of “Lukoil» Vagit Alekperov , was released for the first time, on his own admission, the rostrum of the State Duma, said that is an industry that provides up to 50% of all revenues and from which depends directly on the socio-economic development of the country. On behalf of the business community and the oil Alekperov said that the current system of taxation shall be stable and predictable difficult. For example, the oil separated in the estimates of the tax maneuver. “This law was adopted in the spring of 2014. Of course, today the situation has changed dramatically. On the one hand, the implementation of the maneuver can positively influence the level of oil production, on the other hand, under the current macroeconomic situation of ensuring profitability Energy for the creation of investment funds can not speak, “- he said.

In addition, Alekperov complained that the growth rates in the production sector offset by a decrease in processing, and the high volatility of the ruble complicated the implementation of investment programs. In this regard, the head of “Lukoil” has offered to provide the subsoil users, taxpayers entitled to a reduction in payment of accrued severance tax on the amount of budget expenditures on exploration. “Such practices are applied in all countries. It will be a good stimulus for the expansion of exploration. More than 80 percent of Russia’s oil is produced from fields discovered before 1990 “, – he explained. The current conditions and sanctions, according to Alekperov, especially touched deposits offshore in the

Caspian Sea. “According to him the need to extend the benefits of MET mode for at least 10 years” – said the oilman.

From the fact that the primary sector almost to the point, did not agree to the Commissioner for Human businessmen Boris Titov . According to him, the return on capital employed in the primary sector is 14.64% and the average for the economy – 3.5%. “The raw materials sector is important for the economy, but its profitability is higher than the manufacturing sector. It would be important to encourage primary sector exports is not, and in the supply of the domestic market. All the tax system should be aimed at to stimulate companies to sell here is processed and not exported. Tax maneuver in reverse “- said Titov.

At the same time the problem of the tax system Ombudsman sees its fiscal nature. He even agreed Siluanov that we are spending too much bear. “Business can not be responsible for the spending budget. Business goes where it is beneficial. It is necessary today to attract business, to fight for it – continued Titov. – It is necessary to make not at the expense rates, but at the expense of the tax base by expanding the number of businesses in our country. ” One option, he called more than once referred to reducing the burden on small businesses, so that people who today do not have any relationship with the state, out of the shadows. “But due to the arrival of people who will pay at least 13 percent of personal income tax, more than 50 billion rubles could muster,” – he calculated.

«Gaidar would be ashamed »

The peculiar results of the parliamentary hearings, let the chairman of the Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Andrei Makarov . He clearly was unhappy with the document under discussion, which, in his opinion, does not meet the challenges of the time: “Of all the global challenges of the document’s authors see only one – the villains, taxpayers do not want to pay taxes. And the outflow of capital and lower investment, slower economic growth – much less a challenge! “In his anger threw presentations by the Gaidar Institute, which, in fact, throughout the Ministry of Finance and supported his proposal. Makarov could not leave it so: “I think that Gaidar would be a shame that these proposals are called balanced tax policy,” – Outraged MP.

Then he had walked by the fact that none of the deputies’ proposals are not considered, Moreover, some laws, the State Duma still can not obtain the opinion of the government, which, he said, so it slows the adoption of unwanted initiatives. Makarov even worried that these parliamentary hearings again go nowhere, and the tax system has not changed. “If we compare the main directions of tax policy with the dead, the dead every year looks better and better, because with him each time work more experienced Estheticians. The views are simply awesome. But I must say, the material is damp, “- concluded Makarov.

In turn, the speaker of the State Duma Sergei Naryshkin in his usual diplomatic manner agreed that the document submitted by the Ministry of Finance, really” damp, “but must work. “It is necessary to use four years to modernize the tax system that taxes were not the brake, and a stimulus for the development of our economy”, – he said.

antisocial IDEAS IN SUPPORT OF STATE DUMA not find

« BUSINESS Online »asked the experts to comment on the ideas expressed in the State Duma.

Shamil Ageev – Chairman of the CCI RT:

– By lowering the cost of the state there is a decrease in demand, is a classic of the economy. There will be no “social” – not medical devices. What will people be treated? Another thing is we have a bloated administrative apparatus, the cost of which should reduce.

Instead of creating conditions for the development of production and its modernization, the finance minister has been quite other things, to discuss such matters – it does not matter the minister. Today, instead, to encourage lower interest rates on loans for businesses to raise domestic demand, to launch the mechanisms of production, everything is done the opposite: compress all costs. As a result, we come to the fact that we have nothing to do will produce.

Artem Prokofiev – the deputy of RT State Council of the Communist Party:

– I think the proposal to reduce spending on social programs will not find support even in the Duma, despite the fact that the majority of MPs – members of United Russia. Of course, sometimes the “United Russia” supports the projects with which we disagree, but not in this case. This initiative is in any case cause great public interest, and to the social policy of our state, and so the big questions.

Add a budget can be other ways, without cutting costs and increasing the retirement age. For example, to increase the rent on mining, impose additional taxes on the surplus population. A large part of the population, on the contrary, will pay less tax.

Haidar Khaliullin – President of the Association of small and medium-sized businesses RT:

– I wonder what that the matter is still under consideration. I agree that today the tax burden from big business, but I am opposed to raising the retirement age. To reduce the load must first tackle corruption and strengthen the punishment of those entrepreneurs who do not pay taxes, provided that the fees should be low. I think that for small businesses 5 percent of the proceeds would be optimal. Contribute – and all, but would pay it. However, until such an understanding is not in the government.



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