Sunday, June 21, 2015

Ulyukayev said the immediate prospects of the ruble – TVNZ

Today June 22


15 & amp; degC

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Ulyukayev told about the immediate prospects of the ruble

Photo: Oleg Rukavitsin

And the price of oil will be slightly above $ 60 per barrel, the minister

Minister of Economic Development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev told about the immediate prospects of the ruble and oil prices.

So, he said, Today the rate is close to its fundamental values, which are related to the balance of payments.

«We can assume that the rate of 55 rubles to continue in the near future” – suggests Ulyukayev.

It is also He said that the price of oil is expected to slightly above $ 60 per barrel. The truth then is projected to the minister, there will be an increase to 70-75 dollars.

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