Located off the coast of Syria, the aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov” has suffered the first non – combat loss. Crashed ship MiG-29K, which fell into the water, as stated, the result of a technical fault. The real reasons are, most likely, in the system of training pilots of the Russian naval aviation and how to prepare the cruiser for the trip.
Russian naval MiG-29K on Monday fell near his aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean sea. First reported by foreign media with reference to the statements of us intelligence officials. Later information was confirmed by the defense Ministry.
“somewhere during the turn on this setting, the more likely he fell. Standing beak to decorate your losing speed or “at loggerheads” as the angle of attack and the car will just collapse,”
Three Russian MiG-29 took off from the “Kuznetsov” in the direction of Syria. It was a training flight. Two aircraft returned, one couldn’t sit on the deck and sank. The pilot managed to eject, his health is not in danger. From the deck rose a rescue helicopter, which took it out of the water pilot.
the defense Ministry said that the fall occurred a few kilometers from the cruiser – according to the preliminary version, this happened due to technical problems encountered during the landing. It was said that the carrier group continues to work on the plan and talk about the termination of flights of the air group is not. Perhaps stop flying only MiG-29 that are included in the wing of su-33 and helicopters will continue to perform tasks.
Americans also drown and burn
the First comments of the military experts were not too defined.
the leader of the fleet support Movement Mikhail Nenashev said: the pilots were practicing in advance of such flights. Nenashev suggested the newspaper LOOK to wait for test results. Now recalls that even on the American carriers, despite the huge experience of the U.S. Navy in such operations, there is a mass of CHP was “and fire”. As for the Russian team, she “triple harder” given the difficult conditions, when there are foreign “military submarine”. “The wing was effectively prepared. – believes now. – How I dealt with the military chiefs before going “Kuznetsova”, there were no questions on technical overlays”.
“landing on the deck is a particularly difficult task for the pilots. Whether it didn’t work the braking system on the ship, whether pilot crossbar, or the landing point was chosen incorrectly,” he listed their version of the accident, the Vice-President of Academy of geopolitical problems, a former military pilot Vladimir Anokhin probable causes of the accident.
Anokhin also stressed that such incidents happen in the navies of other countries. “You might have seen on American aircraft carriers planes dive into the water,” reminded the expert.
As a rule, after each crash, the defense Ministry suspends flights of similar types, up to the completion of the investigation. The fact that in this case, the command decided to continue the flight, Anokhin explained as follows: the pilots do not lose the practice, so as not to “degrade flight training”.
“Stands to lose speed and fall”
“it Seems more likely that the reason for the fall – pilot error than technical failure, and in captivity he is an experienced pilot naval aviation of the Russian Navy, reserve officer, expressed the OPINION their opinion about the crash of the MiG-29. – Ship fighter for 4 km to reach the landing course. Somewhere during the turn on this setting, the more likely he fell. It is worth losing the speed or “at loggerheads” on the angle of attack and fall. There’s only time to jump. Most likely, this happened. I can not believe in a technical failure. In case of technical problems the pilots wouldn’t try to put the MiG on the “Kuznetsov”. There are almost to our coastal airfield Hamim – nothing at all was to fly.”
This is not the first accident involving the new Russian naval fighter. Over the past five years has crashed already two similar Moment, and those cases ended more tragically. So, in June 2011 in the Astrakhan region crashed MiG-29KUB (the first prototype), the pilots were killed. 4 Dec 2014 crashed the prototype MiG-29KUB in the Moscow region. One pilot died.
the Version about technical problems, of course, we should not dismiss, at least for the reason that placed on Kuznetsov MiG-29КР and MiG-29КУБР not even adopted. They are not completed the test cycle, and this was acknowledged in September this year, even the commander of Naval aviation of the Russian Navy General Igor Kozhin. In other words, the Russian combat pilots flying combat missions on a raw, not yet fully proven machine. It must be manifested and manifested? – childhood diseases, as is always the case on the not yet fully proven technology.
But the main problems with the training of pilots designed to operate from an aircraft carrier, noted the history of this wing. Combat training of naval aviation pilots have always suffered because of the typical military problems of the 90-ies: the lack of fuel, lack of access to located in the Crimea (then Ukrainian) polygon STRING. Yes, and the “Kuznetsov” was almost always under repair, making it impossible its use as a floating airfield.
the Pilots to fly the MiG-29K began his training in fact only in spring of the current year and during this time it is impossible to develop such a machine.
moreover, it is known that pilots who practiced landing on the cruiser on the su-33, has not had the opportunity to conduct test flights in the “spark”, that is, with the instructor behind. They are trained for landing on the su-25УТБ, and then they had to train on the complex THREADS, and then independently take the “Kuznetsov”. In other words, the first flight, first landing on the deck the pilots had to pass on their own, without an instructor, which is the strongest stress, even for a test pilot, not to mention combatant military pilot.
the Newspaper VIEW in the moment of the announcement of the campaign Kuznetsova to the shores of Syria warned that it will not be easy for either cruiser or wing. Too much had already been signs that the long March does not quite prepared.
will there Be a massive missile and bomb strikes?
the Crash of the MiG-29K probably was another argument against the application by Russia of a massive missile and bomb attack by the militants in Syria. As the newspaper OPINION, a number of signs have shown that for such a blow, and was sent to the Syrian coast, the Russian naval group. The MiG-29 played a significant role in these plans, because only they are able to seriously carry out impact function, which is on the “Kuznetsov” su-33 are more fighter cover.
Another purely political argument – in order to at least postpone such a blow, was the surprise election of a US President is not Hillary Clinton and Donald trump.
in the coming days we will learn what considerations were eventually taken into consideration – time to decision is less because the validity of the Russian naval group in the Mediterranean is limited technically.

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