Tass quoted the source, who took part in today’s meeting, about the size of tax payments “for all types of non-tax payments, on which the decision on the moratorium, the term of this measure is set to January 1, 2019. Within two weeks of ministries and departments should prepare a draft normative legal acts on the introduction of the delay. Expected savings from the introduction of a moratorium on non-tax payments amount to 1.5 trillion rubles ».
At a meeting with the prime minister on Monday discussed the three groups of non-tax payments. First, payments under the existing legislation, but the charges which have not yet charged. In her six points. Of this group, it decided not to impose a moratorium on further and higher additional premiums to the Deposit Insurance Fund. By trading fees is no final decision, work will continue.
In the remaining four payments impose a moratorium, in particular, on the environmental levy on companies that do not dispose of their waste production, payment for damage caused by a centralized sewerage system, and the fee for the discharge of pollutants. As well as a moratorium on the costs of establishing reserves of material financial resources needed for emergency management. In addition, the rate can be adjusted with the collection of vehicles with a permissible maximum mass exceeding 12 tonnes.
The second group consists of non-tax payments, which have already installed and charged. As it is proposed to maintain the immutability rates or reduce them. In particular, we are talking about a payment for registration Veterinary certificates and the attendant paid services on compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility, the fee for waste disposal and consumption.
The government has not yet made a final decision on the fee special permission for traffic on roads, as well as on payments for negative impact on the environment and redress of waste production and consumption.
The third group consists of non-tax payments for which regulations have not been adopted. Of this group, it decided to impose a moratorium on the costs of compliance with the requirements of transport safety, mandatory energy audit, establish unequal conditions of security and anti-terrorism security of objects of fuel and energy.
In addition, it was decided to abandon the introduction of a moratorium on the retail EGAIS trade in alcoholic beverages.
Earlier, it was reported that the possibility of a moratorium on non-tax payments caused a debate in the government.

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