As the “Kommersant”, the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) is ready to request funds from the Central Bank to replenish its fund almost deserted. DIA plans to request a five-year loan of up to 110 billion rubles. Equally impressive amount, according to sources, “b”, associated with a significant increase in the volume of deposits in those banks, who control limited their intake, and hence the potential benefits agency this year.
Today, DIA board of directors will consider the appeal at the Central Bank for a loan to replenish the deposit insurance fund, told “Kommersant” sources familiar with the agenda. According to them, the ACB wants to ask the regulator loan of up to 110 billion rubles. for five years. As reported by “Kommersant” on May 21, the theme of possible treatment DIA for a loan arose after the recent withdrawal of the license of the bank “Transport” with the volume of deposits of 42 billion rubles. At the time of the introduction of an interim administration in the bank almost all of the remaining resources of the Fund were reserved for payments already made. And in the ACB official said that, though, and have the right to apply for a loan at the Central Bank, this is not necessary because the funds for the insured event occurred in the fund is sufficient, and it expects quarterly payments from banks in the amount of 18.8 billion rubles.
Now, according to sources, “b”, the fund did not zero, its size is about 15-16 billion rubles. In addition, in August, expected to reach several billion rubles from the completion of liquidation proceedings, as well as insurance premiums of banks in the second quarter, which may be roughly comparable to the revenues in the first quarter. At the same time, according to sources, “b” in DIA suggest that these funds may not be enough, as the insurance cover the agency until the end of the year could reach 100 billion rubles.
DIA forecasts are based on information about the number of banks in which the restrictions on deposits, explains one of the interlocutors “b”. In late April, deputy chairman Mikhail Sukhov said that their 49, and eight other players control to limit the maximum interest rate on deposits. Earlier this year, such an order had about 40 banks (its presence does not always lead to the revocation of the license). Although the number of banks increased slightly limited, the total volume of deposits increased by almost half, said the source “b”. According to him, the volume of deposits banks that temporarily prohibited from taking them is almost 300 billion rubles. Managing Director of “Expert RA” Paul said Samiev realistic figure. According to him, after the increase in the key rate of the Central Bank in December, many banks have sharply raised the yield on deposits and significantly increased their involvement – for example, “Transport”, received shortly before the revocation of the license ban on deposits, a few months doubled the deposit portfolio. “The probability of license of the bank with the volume of deposits in the tens of billions of rubles this year is quite high,” – says Mr. Samiev. Senior Director for Financial Institutions Fitch Ratings, Alexander Danilov said that big banks may prefer to sanitize that reduce impact on the amount of the deposit insurance fund.
Requested money can be transferred to the DIA gradually, experts say. “In my opinion, the Central Bank does not provide such a large amount of DIA, is the direction of excess liquidity in the market. DIA fund invests in any assets that have a negative impact on the already high inflation, – says principal analyst Michael Sberbank may Matovnikov.- limit be approved as a whole, but will be issued in tranches funds for specific projects. ” The DIA declined to comment. The Central Bank “b” assured that while the ACB is no liquidity problem, but if necessary, the Bank of Russia is ready to provide the necessary funds to replenish the fund. Information about the specific forms and mechanisms of the funds specified in the Central Bank, will be revealed “as the decision-making.”

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