The Central Bank revoked the license of the bank three. Now DIA to pay depositors more than 16 billion rubles. However, money in the budget for the agency to an end, and, most likely, it will be supplemented by injections of the Central Bank. Experts expect the regulator solutions that will ease tensions in the financial market: another reduction of the key rate and bank instruments to increase liquidity.
The Central Bank revoked the license on Monday three more Russian banks: Metrobank, PKO -Bank and Sibneftebank. The essence of the claims of the Central Bank for these financial institutions is to ensure that they “performed high-risk lending policy and do not cause risk taking adequate provisions for possible loan losses.”
According to the regulator, in Metrobank regularly admitted “cases of untimely fulfillment of obligations to creditors and depositors.” And in respect of PKO Bank Central Bank noted that “an adequate assessment of the risks taken and fair reflection of the value of the bank’s assets led to a complete loss of its own funds.”
In Sibneftebank CB required to create the necessary reserves, which “led to a complete loss of their own of the bank. ” According to the regulator, “the value of all the norms of capital adequacy fell below 2%.”
All three banks are participants of the deposit insurance system. Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) has announced that payment of all three cases begin before June 15. The volume of individuals’ funds in these banks as of May 1, according to reports, donated by the Bank of Russia, is estimated at nearly 16.5 billion rubles., Which is comparable with the current size of the Deposit Insurance Fund.
And this does not include payments on large insurance case – the bank “Transport”, whose commitment to individuals as of May 1 accounted for nearly 39 billion rubles. Apparently, the DIA will have to seek the assistance of the Central Bank, and it is unlikely it will be the first such treatment: the current rate of rehabilitation of the financial system of money the agency will need time. At the time of delivery of the text of the DIA and the Central Bank did not respond to requests “Gazety.Ru”.
«Problems with money from the DIA will not. Help Agency – one of the spending priorities of the Central Bank. A main goal of DIA – stabilization of social aspects, prevention information wave of negativity that can promptly destroy small and medium-sized banks, “- said” “analyst investment holding” Finam “Anton forty.
However, I doubt that the DIA will be able to meet its obligations to depositors of banks lost their licenses, no. The problem is the imperfection of the current system of deposit insurance.
«Risky behavior of bankers supported including risky behavior of a small group of investors. Less than 1% of all depositors with deposits of more than 10 thousand. Rub. is about 7-8% of depositors who purposefully placed in banks with the highest deposit rate up to the limit of liability DIA, claiming at least 22-23% of all payments DIA. That is 400 billion rubles. compensation paid to the DIA, about 100 billion could get a small group of investors “, – said Mikhail Matovnikov in its report” The problem of moral hazard and the further development of deposit insurance in Russia “at a meeting of the public council of the DIA.
Recall that the head of Sberbank German Gref proposed the idea to limit the possibility of bank customers multiple receiving gosstrahovki on deposits. Gref suggested three options: the introduction of the limit of the total amount of insurance payments to one investor in the history of its interaction with the banks in the amount of 3 million rubles.
Now the one-time insurance up to 1.4 million rubles., It is possible to obtain each time revoking the license of the bank. The second option involves the payment of insurance is not more than once every five years. The third option – only one insurance for all time.
Offers of Sberbank tough enough to depositors, says Anton forty. “I like the option of a 90 percent reimbursement of deposits. He will wash the speculative component and make the investor think about where to put their money: a major reliable bank with a lower interest rate or the bank, which artificially inflates rates to attract customers “- says the expert. In the meantime, the risks lay entirely on the state and on the depositors of other banks offering deposits at a lower yield.
Another problem is that the banking system has a large sector of risky banks, their market share is growing, and the stability of the deposit insurance system is reduced, said Michael Matovnikov. The risks of banks for the most part are not the result of macroeconomic shocks, and are caused by a deliberate asset stripping their shareholders and management.
«CB has closed the way to currency speculation to prevent excessive exchange rate jumps, now the bank is to lend at extremely high interest rates, even understanding the riskiness of these actions. Therefore, only one license revocation in this case will be very difficult to manage – you also need a number of measures to stabilize the situation in the sector “, – believes senior analyst MFX Capital Anton paint. First of all, according to experts, it is necessary to reduce the key rate because the current is extremely high.
In addition, according to paint, the monetization of the Russian economy – one of the lowest in the world: M2 does not exceed the 32 trillion rubles., which is only 45% of GDP. This significantly reduces the liquidity of the financial market (in particular, the segment of interbank lending), where the banks take the bulk of the funding.
«In the medium term, bankers expect the Central Bank and the general easing of monetary policy that will reduce the acute shortage of liquidity in the sector and will contribute to the normalization of the situation among the commercial banks,” – emphasizes the expert .
disagrees Anton forty. He believes that small and medium-sized banks have to think about how to survive and preserve its market share. For this purpose it is necessary to put in order their portfolios and to intensify efforts to attract new shareholders and new partners. “From the Central Bank, we are waiting for a more rapid response to market signals. However, smaller banks, the easier it is to administer the market “, – says the expert. Thus, according to Andrew Lyushin, deputy chairman of the bank Loco-peak withdrawal of licenses in 2015 has already passed.

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