Thursday, March 19, 2015

Vladimir Putin has promised to business expansion of freedom – the Russian Newspaper

The government will see to it that the law on amnesty of capital is not interpreted arbitrarily by law enforcement agencies. This statement was made by President Vladimir Putin, speaking at a congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

In the difficult times of crisis, the head of state asked the members of the RSPP to put forward their proposals for improving the efficiency of the economy. “I know that the business community is preparing additional measures to support small and medium-sized businesses, as well as companies effectively invest in companies that are created from scratch,” – he said, adding that the government’s Commission on Economic Development and Integration interested in these ideas. All of them will be discussed in the framework of the next meeting of the State Council.

See also

In general, as responsible business can count on the support of the state, but collaboration tools, according to Putin, will be formed on the basis of today’s realities. The President is convinced that further expansion of freedom for business – the best answer to all external challenges and limitations. “So we are definitely going to continue to create favorable conditions for all who are willing to invest in the domestic economy and industry in the development of modern technologies and jobs,” – he promised. In this regard, it is especially important to the state and business to work in partnership and trust each other, jointly overcoming the unfavorable economic situation.

The plan to stabilize the economy provided a set of measures to promote large, medium and small businesses. The President recalled that in the framework of the federal budget, a special anti-crisis fund, the amount of which, after the adoption of amendments to the main financial document of the country will be almost 234 billion rubles. These funds will be allocated primarily to support strategic enterprises and the implementation of additional measures to stimulate economic sectors, small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the labor market. Putin pointed out the importance that the Government has established the practical work to bring these tools to enterprises.

See also

It is noteworthy that the government is ready to go immediately to the concessions business, if it is reasonable and justified. Thus, Putin supported the proposal to postpone the April 1, at a later date requiring disclosure of information on controlled foreign companies (CFC). According to the president, many who would like to carry out provisions of the law, binding to disclose their foreign assets, do not have time to do so within the prescribed period. “Therefore, I agree with the proposal to extend the time for notification of participation in foreign organizations. For how long – is a separate issue. But it is necessary to synchronize this process with the adoption and entry into force of the law on amnesty of capital,” – said the head of state.

development of the theme

As for amnesty, the Russian authorities will do everything to protect the law against arbitrary interpretations . This applies, in particular, and to law enforcement authorities. “No one should climb and pick out something that is not allowed under the law,” – said Putin. Any action, in his opinion, should be as burdensome from an economic point of view. A capital amnesty mechanisms are required to comply with the FATF be legitimate and understandable from the international legal point of view. “Then no one will arise doubt that what is happening in Russia and is fully consistent with international law and international practice – including, in terms of avoiding washing capital obtained illegally,” – said the president.

Nevertheless, Moscow receives signals that some countries may try to prevent the return of capital in Russia. “This may be due to the limitations of the use of capital, which are in foreign jurisdictions. Keep this in mind. Of course, each of you should he make such a decision. But the danger, the possibility of freezing the transfer of funds, including the Russian jurisdiction exists” – the president warned entrepreneurs.

Vladimir Putin and commented on the key rate, which is currently at a high level. According to him, has not yet created additional fundamental conditions to the Central Bank felt confident and went to its decline.

Today in Astana, Vladimir Putin will hold talks with the Belarusian and Kazakh colleagues. Will be discussed and the subject of Ukraine, confirmed in the Kremlin. “Of course, the two leaders exchanged views on the current status of implementation of the agreements Minsk,” – said the press secretary of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov.

The Kremlin is also waiting for an official reaction of France and Germany in the Rada adopted the law on the special Status of Donbass. You may need to collect a new summit “Norman format.” “If there is a slow and dangerous failure of the implementation of agreements in Minsk, of course, it requires a major effort on the part of those who ensured namely countries” Norman format “, including Russia,” – said Sands. Moscow supports any dialogue, including the meeting of foreign ministers. Commenting on the presence of US and British instructors in Ukraine, presidential spokesman stressed that this is not conducive to the settlement.


President of Russia can arrive at the event dedicated to the centennial of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. “The question of President Putin’s visit to Yerevan is on the agenda, prepared and discussed,” – said “RG” a spokesman for the president, Dmitry Peskov. Sands also commented on the care of “General Motors” from the Russian market: it will be replaced by other, fall in sales will inevitably be replaced by rapid growth, and the company will be among the losers. Another presidential spokesman stressed that the exercises in South Ossetia – not the result of a signed contract on the alliance and integration, such exercises – the usual practice of the Russian Armed Forces.

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