Thursday, March 19, 2015

“Gazprom-Media” has offered to replace the general director of the radio station “Echo of Moscow” – Kommersant

 - & Gt;

Michael Demin possibility of leaving the post of general director of radio station “Echo of Moscow” is associated with the rotation within the holding “Gazprom-Media” . Told himself, Mr. Demin.

I feel like a clown in a circus. Again gendira change.

Earlier, the chief editor of radio station Alexei Venediktov said that he had received a letter about the conduct of the Board of Directors absentee voting on the shareholders’ meeting. The reason for the convening of a decision to terminate the powers of Mr. Demin and the election of a new CEO. According to Mr. Venediktov, chief editor of “Echo of Moscow” will vote against the dismissal of Mikhail Demin.

«This is due to some kind of rotation within the holding. Any way it is not connected with shareholders (of the conflict of interests of shareholders “Echo of Petersburg”). No claims to my address is not expressed by the leadership of the holding company “- said,” RIA Novosti “Mr. Demin. According to the agency, he was asked to lead another, larger project within the holding.

Mikhail Demin was director of the organization of the media of the organizing committee “Sochi 2014″. Since 1994 he has worked as a radio presenter, consultant, manager and partner in communication agencies, the report said, “Gazprom-Media.” In 2008-2010 was engaged in corporate sponsorship projects of MTS.



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