Thursday, March 19, 2015

Putin called the best response to sanctions – Dni.Ru

Joint action by government and business will solve all problems faced by Russia, Mr Putin said. The most correct response to external challenges, among them anti-Russian Western sanctions will be the expansion of freedom of business, told the Russian leader.

Vladimir Putin. Photo:

Trying to hurt the Russian for its independent stance on the peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, Western countries have chosen primarily economic leverage. However, the country has an internal reserve, including the entrepreneurial talents of the population, which will help the state does not change his principles.

“Dear colleagues, to overcome the unfavorable economic situation, get on a stable growth path can only through partnership government and business – of course, without trust is impossible , – through a common understanding of the strategic objectives of the country and consideration of mutual interests “, – said Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at the Russian Business Week of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Thus, it is important not just to work but also to trust each other.

In order to sanctions were completely useless, it is necessary to demonstrate the economic growth in the country . It can be provided by giving entrepreneurs greater freedom of action. “The further expansion of freedoms for business – the best answer to all external challenges and constraints , so we will certainly continue to create favorable conditions for all who are willing to invest in the domestic economy and industry, technology development and modern jobs “- quoted by RIA Novosti Putin.

The President stressed that the country has everything you need to create favorable conditions for socially responsible entrepreneurs. “That country is steadily evolving to millions of people had a good job and living security, responsible business must, of course, constantly strive for leadership, to set ambitious goals. I am confident that the necessary capacity for this we have, and on state support you, of course, can always count “, – said the head of state.

The Russian economy is to increase its effectiveness, including by means of the proposals received from the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs ( RSPP). “I would ask the RSPP and other business associations involved in the work of the Commission and to make proposals”, – concluded Putin.


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