Thursday, March 19, 2015

Vladimir Putin has promised not to frighten the capitalists – Independent Newspaper

Head of State recommends that businesses get the money back to Russia, and entrepreneurs are asked to reduce the rate of the Central Bank

 RSPP Shokhin, Jurgens, Putin, business, taxes, the central bank, the key rate, Deripaska deoffshorizatsiya President of the RSPP came to the Congress with his vision of economic problems. Photo Reuters


Vladimir Putin offered to entrepreneurs to hasten the return of capital in Russia. According to him, foreigners can block the transfer of capital in the Russian jurisdiction. At the same time, the president promised to support strategic enterprises and small and medium businesses invited to dialogue with the authorities. Experts have seen in Putin’s words encouraging signal: the power promises to at least listen to entrepreneurs. In turn, the business indicates the inadequacy of government programs on the scale of the current crisis.


Yesterday Vladimir Putin urged to unite business with the state. “To overcome the unfavorable economic situation is possible only through partnership that requires mutual trust,” – he said at a meeting of the Congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).


The President recalled the planned measures of support for business support strategic enterprises will be directed funds Crisis Fund, whose volume in 2015 will amount to 234 billion rubles. The money also will be used to stimulate the Economy, Small and Medium Enterprises and the labor market. “The key rate is still quite high. It is not yet created additional basic conditions for us to feel confident, and targeted support is extremely important, “- said the president.


He also offered to entrepreneurs to present their options to support small and medium-sized businesses and to talk about his vision of the economic situation. “Government Commission on Economic Development and Integration instructed to develop a mechanism to increase the efficiency of the economy. And I would ask the RSPP and other business associations involved in the work of the Commission and to make proposals, “- Putin said.


Note that in early March, entrepreneurs have already submitted to the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev own plan of anti-crisis measures. One part of the document includes priority measures of stabilization of Russian companies in the market – including a moratorium on the increase in the tax burden on business, as well as coordinating the actions of the government and the Central Bank. The second part of the anti-crisis plan included 73 RSPP regulation, negative influence on the business environment, entrepreneurs are dissatisfied. The prime minister promised to take into account these comments. What other new initiatives expects entrepreneurs Vladimir Putin – is not clear.


«Obviously, the president had in mind not only the immediate and one-stage proposal – said,” NG “Vice President of RSPP Igor Jurgens. – In every market has its own desires and wishes, and as a gesture of goodwill, it was said: “Come on, we hear you.” Let’s see whether this will ».


«Perhaps this call really sound new, constructive note. The crisis promises to be a system, we are moving to a new economic reality, and in these conditions, a constant dialogue with the business, it reviews the effectiveness of various government decisions can make a big difference. But here it is important to work out a clear formats of communication, because these initiatives often quickly come to naught “, – says head of the” Finance and Economics “Nikita Maslennikov.


Some members have criticized the current anti-crisis policy of the government. The owner of “Basic Element” Oleg Deripaska, in an interview with “Russia 24″ said that the measures taken by the authorities, out of scale economic problems. “The current crisis – much more complex and deeper than the crisis of 2008-2009. We can not count on a quick recovery external environment, access to external financial markets. You have to understand that the answer should be adequate. To date, the government has prepared measures, which is three times less than those that were in 2009-2010 “- complained businessman.


«We’re not talking about direct support for enterprises, it is not even necessary now. The main question that now worries – to stop the demand due to the tough stance of the Central Bank (high key rate. – “NG”). The president promised us that decisions will be made on the basis of sufficient support demand, “- said Deripaska.


Vladimir Putin has warned businesses on possible obstacles for the return of capital from offshore. “We have received some disturbing information from some countries. It seems to us that there may be attempts to prevent the return of capital in Russia. The danger of such an opportunity to block transfers in the Russian jurisdiction, there is “- said the president. At the same time, Putin assured that neither the Central Bank nor the law enforcement officers will not use the information on the returned money to their advantage. If funds are transferred, the problem is solved, he said, “no one should go there to climb and pick out something that is not allowed under the law».


«The president said that those entrepreneurs who have taken this decision for yourself, do not tighten. This was the main message. Its clear position that it once and for all. No one no one will be carried out to make a complaint after the amnesty and that entrepreneurs can not be afraid. At the same time, that the situation did not affect foreign policy, no need to delay, “- said Putin’s words Deripaska.


«It is known that many entrepreneurs are worried about what will happen next, they would like to do business as before, – says the vice-president of the Center for Political Technologies, Alexei Makarkin. – The main signal from the president is: doing business as before, does not work, and the only defender of the business – the state. ” “The message the President is that Europe is not particularly distinguished, where the state, and where private trader, – for them it is important that they are representatives of Russia. Now the West for our entrepreneurs, for our capital can be dangerous. In Europe, to sit, including in financial terms, will not work – you can burn. At the same time, the Russian authorities, according to Putin, can protect the business, they have the financial resources that they are willing to share in part, “- says the expert.


According to Makarkin, the relationship of the state with the business will increasingly be individual and informal. “To give money and who does not, who can use preferences, who can not – this will be addressed individually. Probably, given the fact that a particular employer can do for the state. So in exchange for state support entrepreneurs will have to meet in some strategic issues, “- said the expert.



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