Thursday, March 19, 2015

Ulyukayev prevent the growth of the Russian economy in 2016 by 2.5% – Interfax



Moscow. March 19. INTERFAX.RU – Russia’s GDP growth in 2016 could reach 2-2.5%, Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev, speaking during the Russian Business Week RSPP in Moscow on Thursday.

“We can go 2016 positive economic growth, those that correspond to the current structure of the economy and institutions that work. In our view, it is 2-2.5% growth of GDP, “- he said.

Ulyukayev also said that the capital outflow from Russia in 2015 will be significantly lower than the outflow in 2014, below the forecast of $ 155 billion, and possibly even below $ 100 billion. In response to the clarification question whether the outflow to be less than $ 100 billion, it also did not rule out such a scenario.

Net capital outflow from Russia in 2014 increased by 2.5 times, to $ 151.5 billion. Bank expects capital outflow from Russia in 2015 in the baseline scenario in the range of its $ 100-110 billion.


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