Saturday, March 7, 2015

Ukraine insists on agreement with its gas supplies from Russia in Donbass – Latest news from Russia and Ukraine, the main news of the day.

On Monday in Brussels, held talks on gas energy ministers of Russia and Ukraine Alexander and Vladimir Novak Demchishin, as well as Vice-President of the European Commission for Energy Maroš Šefčovič.

According to him, the worst case scenario assumes the probability of complete termination of Russian gas supplies, as well as the cold winter and increased activity in the industrial sector of the European Union.

“Naftogaz of Ukraine” will pay OAO “Gazprom” only those quantities of natural gas, which are delivered through agreed with the state enterprise receiving points.

As the Minister of reporters in Kiev on Wednesday, the previous forecast for the current year provided the gas consumption of about 42 billion cubic meters. m. From April to Ukraine is no longer valid discount of $ 100 per thousand cubic meters of Russian gas, but Kiev is not ready. He noted that this is due to the fact that Ukraine’s population consume fewer natural gas procurement and the need for large amounts of gas to date there. “Russia we heard,” – said the minister.

In the coldest months of the year – January and February – Ukraine has been able to reduce the use of gas by 15%. “The price was 1100 (UAH. / Ton, – Ed.), Now in 1250, there is the likelihood that it will continue to grow,” – said Demchishin.

Russia, Ukraine and the European Commission 31 October 2014 reached compromise in the negotiations and signed the document, which regulated the supply of Russian gas to Ukraine within the framework of the “winter package”. However, the head of “Naftogaz” Andrew Kobolev continued to blame the Russian company for incomplete execution of orders, which is a violation of the contract.

 Nastupnі gazovі mozhut vіdbutisya discuss it in one or two tizhnі - mіnіstr
The following gas talks can be held in a week or two – Minister


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