Saturday, March 7, 2015

Russian airlines may stop flights from September 1, 2015 – RosRegistr

On 1 September 2015 the Air Transport Association (AEVT) plans prervatilas flights by digging the implementation of the Russian Federation. On the official Internet site AEVT explained that the reason for such action was the entry into force of the new provisions of the Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation regarding the clarification of the processing of personal data in information and telecommunications networks» .

According to the norms of law, record, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change) and retrieval of personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation shall be carried out using databases of information located in the territory of the Russian Federation. Currently, this provision can not be implemented in the field of civil aviation, in connection with which AEVT sent a letter to the Presidential Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs Boris Titov.

«Currently, the processing of personal data for passengers booking and sale of air transportation in civil aviation is carried out using the global distribution systems, such as: Amadeus, Gabriel, Sabre, Galileo, allows to sell tickets for the flights of Russian airlines in different countries. In this context, the implementation of the requirements established by the Act of July 21, 2014 № 242-FZ and date specified by him, it is not possible, because it requires the consent of at least providers of these systems on their placement in the Russian Federation “, – said in the letter.

In AEVT also reminded that Russian airlines signed a lot of interline and code-sharing agreements with others, including foreign air carriers. Russian airlines have contracts that provide the sale of air transportation via neutral agents, which in turn is used as a tool for selling global distribution systems. “This means the need for integration with dozens of external information systems located all over the world”, – explained the association.

CEO Poberezhnik Maxim believes that due to the new law« British Airways, operating in 150 countries, it is easier to abandon the Russian direction than wrestle with their own date-construction center in Russia, especially since the Russian authorities have not explained what they expect from the players in the market ».

While the authorities do nothing on their own carriers are trying to solve a looming problem. According to Kommersant, in mid-February has already passed one meeting major market participants, which considered the possibility of preservation of business after the new law came into force. Until it finds only one way: “the law can be avoided if the personal information collected on the territory of Russia, and then send it abroad, where after the necessary actions on booking or purchase it will be destroyed».

-> Tags: the law, the ban, the company, flight


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