Friday, March 20, 2015

The leaders of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan hold a summit in Astana – First Channel

Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, it is time to begin negotiations on the establishment of a monetary union. This was stated by Vladimir Putin after a meeting in Astana Alexander Lukashenko and Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, it is time to begin negotiations on the establishment of a monetary union. This was stated by Vladimir Putin after a meeting in Astana Alexander Lukashenko and Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The Russian President stressed that the joint action of the Eurasian Union will not only help to overcome economic difficulties, but also to confront the political challenges.

The heads of state met in Astana on the eve of one of the most popular in Kazakhstan holidays – Nowruz, New Year according to the solar calendar. It is in these days are made to invite to visit relatives and closest friends, thank them for their help and support and to discuss plans for the future.

The Presidents of the three of us so often found in Astana that these negotiations Nursultan Nazarbayev colleagues prepared gifts – chairs, on the back of each of the embroidered national emblems. Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko appreciated the gesture and said that they were taken to the chair with him.

Welcoming colleagues, Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized that this informal conversation. On the eve of the bilateral talks with the President of Belarus during preliminary conversation face to face with the Russian leader talked primarily about economic problems. Sharp currency fluctuations of recent months have caused the decline in trade, and it was the first test of the strength of the Eurasian Economic Union, which is from January 1, includes Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus and Armenia.

“The big test for our Union dropped because export prices fell, we have grown and in Kazakhstan oil and other export products. In this regard, there is a decrease. And I think we know what those risks are, “- said the president of Kazakhstan.

“We have a really complicated situation in the world economy, taking into account the market situation. I am sure that by including, and with your direct direct involvement in Kazakhstan, and the post-Soviet space, the basic operation of the economy, the social sphere will certainly help us to overcome these difficulties, but, of course, if we do it together, as we did in previous years, it will be easier to go out of their situation that has developed today, “- said Vladimir Putin.

Later the same theme leaders discussed a trio. And, according to the Belarusian president, the effects of the crisis in the economy could be much more pronounced if the fight had difficulties to each individually.

“The time confirms that we are all the same time showed the initiative and created a economic union. Too many calls came even before the story. Russian President about it in recent days, a lot of talking. What we cast very serious challenges, including an attempt to wipe out, not even to rewrite and erase our common history. Therefore, and economically and politically we have on the eve of the 70th anniversary show unity “, – said Alexander Lukashenko.

Following the meeting, the heads of state agreed to develop a joint plan to combat the crisis. The three governments should in the next month to submit their proposals on the most effective use of all the opportunities which exist today in the Eurasian Economic Union.

“Created and operates more than seven thousand joint ventures. An important area of ​​partnership of the three countries is the industry technological cooperation, strengthening communication in space, realized roadmap sharing the Baikonur Cosmodrome for 2014 and 2016, which we also spoke today with the president of Kazakhstan. It’s time to talk about the possibility of forming a monetary union in the future. Working shoulder to shoulder, easier to respond to external financial and economic threats, protect our joint market “, – said the President of Russia.

Not without talking about Ukraine. Political turmoil in the country became one of the causes of economic instability in the entire Commonwealth of Independent States. The Presidents noted that their views on how to resolve the conflict are similar.

“The position of each of our countries on this issue is known – to get out of the current situation in Ukraine, through diplomatic channels, a military solution to this problem does not exist”, – said Nursultan Nazarbayev .

“I would like to mention the active participation of Nursultan Nazarbayev and Alexander G. Assistance in resolving this problem. Thanks reached in Minsk on February 12 agreements, there is a real opportunity for the gradual de-escalation of the armed conflict. It is counting on the fact that the authorities Kiev will fully execute the agreement reached in Minsk, “- said Vladimir Putin.

The meeting of leaders was held in Astana on the eve of presidential elections in Kazakhstan, which is scheduled for April 26. Last week, a coalition of leading political forces of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev again nominated a candidate for the presidency. Not avoided the subject and the Russian President.

“For everyone who loves Kazakhstan, for everyone who cherishes his stable progressive and very noticeable development for all, of course, very important these days to support the President of Kazakhstan and I, of course, among them, “- said the head of the Russian state.

Talking about the upcoming elections continued in the library of the first President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, where invited guests on a short tour. Here, the Heads of State talked with the students of Astana, who assured that necessarily go to the polls.

In the library Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko handed library cards and invited to come visit more often. The more that you can do it via Internet.

“You can, at any point in Kazakhstan, to get any information from this library and get any book,” – said an employee of the library.

“Yes, an indispensable thing for the spy” – joked Nursultan Nazarbayev.

“In short, thank you, to get something to come to Kazakhstan by the way” – jokingly protested Alexander Lukashenko.

“That’s right” – supported counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

The next meeting of leaders scheduled for May 8 in Moscow. Vladimir Putin invited Nursultan Nazarbayev and Alexander Lukashenko at the celebration of the anniversary of the Victory.

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