Friday, March 20, 2015

Solar eclipse in Moscow met as a holiday – Moskovsky Komsomolets

Schick, darkness, beauty

Today at 18:52 Views: 1167

March 20 Muscovites fully could feel like Galileo and Copernicus. Starting at noon, forgetting about current affairs and responsibilities, hundreds of citizens poured into the streets and squares to see a rare astronomical phenomenon. People froze with his head held high, armed with some uncomplicated blackout devices can be found at the Moscow Planetarium, Gorky Park, and Sokolniki Exhibition Center. However, even in conventional open spaces of the city with dozens of passers-by looked at the sun unprecedented enthusiasm. Correspondents “MK” also feel part of the universe – along with ordinary citizens and professional astronomers.

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Photo: Tatiana Cherednikova

At eleven o’clock in the morning on the outskirts of Moscow Planetarium crowded. Interests are hundreds – moms with children, students, couples hipster kind old ladies and single pensioners in winter hats. Solar eclipse fell just on the day of the vernal equinox. On Friday, March 20, the Sun and the Moon crossed on the celestial equator in the constellation Pisces, marking the arrival of astronomical spring. However, if it were not a big campaign in the press and not the activity of amateur astronomers, distributed through network information about special areas of observation, many probably would not notice any dimming on the streets of the capital. But the media did their job. At first, it was announced that a solar eclipse seen from specially equipped areas will be free to everyone, but a week before the eclipse interest in the event has become so large that the planetarium prudently decided to organize a record. On the eve of the event to be cherished in the list was already impossible. In the planetarium thought that can take only 500 people. However, in fact, enjoy the blackened solar disk, and even listen to creative professionals able to comment more people – 20 March planetarium takes the viewer beyond their bandwidth capabilities.

Photo: Tatiana Cherednikova

Customers lined up in a huge queue – as a museum for the exhibition of masterpieces of the world, the very platform to let them in small groups of 20-30 people.

– In the sun with open eyes do not look – with the threshold warned a young man in uniform. – To observe the eclipse we have prepared special telescopes, and besides, I have glasses with filter – alas, in a single copy – please pass them all one by one.

Without waiting cherished glasses, people were getting from the pockets of ready-made slides sooty old floppy disks and from computers, X-rays, a cluster of sunglasses, special masks for welders – “bought at a hardware store».

In the period of greatest eclipse brightness of sunlight in Moscow fell exactly 2.5 times! Those who prepared and watched the sun through the tinted windows and all kinds of film filters, clearly could see the maximum phase of the eclipse – about 13.20 Moscow for almost two minutes – sharp sickle, which has become the solar disk.

In Gorky Park, at ENEA in Sokolniki to telescopes lined up the crowd wanting to see the eclipse with the naked eye. However, in the lens magnifier solar disk with Scherbinka looked somewhat artificial. However, this did not prevent craftsmen directly against the peephole telescope camera and capture their smartphones eclipse as a souvenir.

Photo: Tatiana Cherednikova

… On the roof of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics gathered his staff and members of the Moscow Astronomical Society.

«Wow! Here it started! “Exactly at 12.12, as was said, the moon beginning nalezaet on our star.

« Please note – says Officer Space Museum Alexei Safonov. – With a telescope you can see that the edge of the Moon is uneven, it is because she is always being bombarded by meteorites and has a bumpy surface ».

Of course, the more valuable for scientists is 100 percent eclipse, but is at which the Sun is hidden from us by more than half, is also interesting. Astronomers track minute by minute passage of the moon across the solar disk, specify its orbit. So Alex, commenting on what is happening in the sky, constantly placed on a special table hours, minutes and measured by a special sensor difference in the degree of illumination of the Earth. For example, after 5 minutes after the beginning of cosmic action, in 12.17, the illumination fell to 500 lux (light units).

However, right there in the moment of greatest excitement, at the site there is a misunderstanding. “Yes, we see the moon crept out in the sun on the right! – Exclaim those watching the eclipse through sunglasses and all kinds of home-made filters. ” “Oh, no – the left” – shout those who clung to the eyepiece of the telescope. The truth was on the side of the first – telescopes, so they work, passed an inverted image of the sun.

By the way, did you know that you can study the eclipse with the naked eye? To demonstrate this, the museum staff have prepared … Space colander. Why? “Improvised means we now get not one, but several dozen dark suns” – explain to us the mysterious organizers of the action, placing the subject of cooking utensils white sheet of paper. On it we saw the sun multiplied by the number of holes on each small sun was “eaten” one of the halves.

«point in a colander plays the role of the diaphragm, – says Alexei. – When changing views of the sun, we see instead of the usual circles Serpico ».

Photo: Tatiana Cherednikova

While the enthusiastic amateur astronomers in Moscow caught every moment of partial, but still visible in Moscow eclipse, something similar was observed in the North Atlantic. Then the shadow of the Moon gliding through the Faroe Islands, and in the Norwegian Sea in broad daylight come true overnight. Exactly 2 minutes and 47 seconds, the apparent size of the Moon surpassed the size of the sun. A unique event that is repeated about once in a hundred years! Then, the Moon’s shadow moved to the archipelago of Svalbard and further to the north.

And we have to wait for the next eclipse. Which in Moscow happens, unfortunately, not soon.

The story does not know the names of those to whom we owe the first mention of eclipses the star. We only know that the Chinese ancient chronicle the first to respond to this event back in 1136 BC.

«In general, people have noticed very quickly that in 18 years and a few days this phenomenon is repeated, – says Safonov. – With some variations, but about the same eclipse. However, exactly, to 65 percent, as it is today, we see three 18-year period ».

Well, the total eclipse will be visible only in Moscow in 2126. However, from other points of the planet can be observed almost every year. Any total eclipse – in itself is unique. If you are traveling and like to observe nature, take a look the next time in the calendar when and where will the next total eclipse of the Sun is desirable. It is necessary to see every once in your life.

So, we begin the hunt for a total eclipse! “MK” publishes a list of places where they will be seen in all its glory:

■ March 9, 2016 – Indonesia, Marshall Islands

■ August 21, 2017 – United States , Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska

■ July 2, 2019 – the central part of Argentina and Chile

■ December 14, 2020 – the southern parts of Argentina and Chile

■ December 4, 2021 – Antarctica

■ April 8, 2024 – Mexico, the central United States, eastern Canada


Already in the first hours after the eclipse to the Moscow doctors began to treat patients complaining of vision problems. As the ophthalmologist Vyacheslav Kurenkov, these people have ignored the advice and observed natural phenomena not through specially designed machines, and through smoked glass or using sunglasses.

For example, some have complained about facing eyes gray spots. This means that a person was damaged retina, it requires long-term treatment, and not the fact that vision eventually restored. Others complained about the red spots. It is also damage to the retina, but lighter. In some patients after a while the red spots disappear.

According to the forecasts of physicians within two weeks of the damage to the retina after viewing an eclipse of the sun will turn up hundreds of thousands of Muscovites.

An unusual natural phenomenon could be observed today inhabitants of central Russia. The moon hid the sun to 65%. The naked eye could see only Reduced lighting the city with an absolutely cloudless sky. We climbed to the roof of the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” to show our viewers, as it were. Details in the video.


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