Friday, March 20, 2015

Duma adopted a draft to freeze salaries of civil servants and the growth of social payments – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, March 20 – RIA Novosti. The State Duma on Friday passed in the first reading of a government bill to suspend in 2015 indexation of salaries of civil servants and increasing social payments only 5,5%.

In the original version of the document shall be suspended until 1 January 2016 to the provisions of 24 laws on the indexation of salaries of civil servants, military personnel and persons equated to them, as well as judges. In addition, it is proposed to leave earlier projected inflation rate of 5.5% indexation of some social payments, benefits and compensation.

State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin said that under the anti-crisis program of all the social obligations of the state must be carried out in connection with this bill requires careful analysis and amendments for the second reading.

The vice-speaker of the State Duma, Andrei Isayev said that members of the faction “United Russia” seeks to amend that indexation in 2015 will be held twice: first on the previously prescribed in the budget law projected inflation rate of 5.5%, and by the end of the year – the real rate of inflation.

This aspect agreed with representatives of public organizations and is reflected in a separate decision of the State Duma, which is also made on Friday.

Who touches indexing

The indexation of social payments at the level of actual inflation will affect over 20 million people, explained the head of the Committee for Labour, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Olga Batalina.

According to her, the new procedure is proposed to extend the indexing on the main categories citizens in need of special support from the state – to participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War, war veterans, Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, the Holders of the Order of Glory, Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of the Russian Federation of Labor and Holders of the Order of Labor Glory, persons awarded with ” A resident of the siege of Leningrad “.

Also, it should relate to juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, family members of victims of war invalids, people with disabilities, people exposed to radiation, children killed in the line of duty soldiers.

In this case, offered not to index the salaries of civil servants, prosecutors and judges, Isaev said earlier.


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