Friday, March 20, 2015

Media: the US and the EU are not going to turn off Russia from SWIFT – Kommersant

US and its European allies have rejected the idea of ​​Russia off from international payments SWIFT, as this can result in significant damage, Bloomberg reported citing officials, reported it on condition of anonymity.

Earlier shutdown of Russia from SWIFT, as part of sanctions in connection with the conflict in Ukraine, called for the US Republican senators, including John McCain. In turn, the British Prime Minister David Cameron said that such a ban “is the logic.” However, the US government and European countries do not use this tool, preferring to use other levers of pressure on Russia.

surveyed by experts said that Russia off from SWIFT can cause damage not only to the Russian financial sector, but also create problems for all foreign companies are in business relations with Russian counterparts, and also have some impact on the world economy.

In January, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev promised a harsh response from the Russian Federation in case of power from Russia SWIFT. “In the case of such decisions would like to note that our economic response, and indeed any other, will be without restrictions,” – he said. In turn, First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Alexei Simanovskiy in February stated that SWIFT solutions unfriendly towards Russia is expected. The Bank of Russia has established a system – similar to SWIFT transfer of financial information in Russia, and it can be used if necessary.

At present, Russia does not represented on the board of directors of SWIFT . According to “Kommersant”, a place in the council claimed two presidential adviser and lobbyist for the payment of the Savings Bank branch in the national payment system.

For more information about the possible Russian representation in the leadership of the international system transfer of financial SWIFT messages, read the material “b” “Russia is connected to the management of SWIFT».


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