Friday, March 6, 2015

Sobyanin: In Moscow in 2014 was a record fertility – Rosbalt.RU

Rosbalt, 06/03/2015 12:59

MOSCOW, March 6. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin visits Perinatal Center City Clinical Hospital № 70, where he congratulated the young mothers and all Muscovites a Happy Women’s Day.

According to him, increasing the availability, quality and comfort care for mothers and children is a priority modernization of the capital’s health.

“In the city we have in the past year, 138,000 children were born – a new record for Moscow, it is two times more than in the late 1990s. Of course, a number of new Muscovites , mothers who give birth, demands of modern medical care at all stages of preparation for childbirth, delivery and resuscitation “- the mayor said.

According to the mayor, in Moscow, a modern system of care of the mother and child. “Perinatal Center 70th hospital in which we find ourselves – is one example of how on the basis of obsolete equipment, buildings, a new modern clinic that could provide the most advanced care in a comfortable environment. And today, the clinic can assist children who are born not only low, but with extremely low birth weight, “- said Sergey Sobyanin.

An example of the transformation of the traditional institution of the hospital into a modern obstetrics is re-Perinatal Center City Clinical Hospital № 70. In its structure includes women’s consultation, maternity hospital, a pediatric hospital and a consultative and diagnostic department (MLC). If necessary assistance to pregnant women and children have other medical offices GKB number 70.

This is the only in Moscow BWW operates as part of the perinatal center and ensures continuity in the conduct of rehabilitation treatment between inpatient and outpatient phases.


& # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x41F; & # x43E; & # x43B; & # x438; & # x43D; & # x44B; & # x411; & # x44B; & # x43A; & # x43E; & # x432; & # x441; & # x43A; & # x438; & # x445; March 6, 2015 -> Unexpected thirtieth If 30 years ago, on the historical fork, Soviet rulers have chosen a different path, the disintegration of the empire would be held much earlier. 1990 will still be called “curse”, but investing in a completely different meaning.  & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x414; & # x435; & # x43D; & # x438; & # x441; & # x430; & # x413; & # x43E; & # x43B; & # x44C; & # x434; & # x43C; & # x430; & # x43D; & # x430; March 4, 2015 -> A chance for a new democracy The recent events have shown, that liberalism in Russia is not only not dead, but has gained a new breath. Today, in any case, in Moscow, it is more powerful movement than its officially designated enemy – “Antimaydan.”
 & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x410; & # x43B; & # x435 ; & # x43A; & # x441; & # x435; & # x44F; & # x421; & # x442; & # x435; & # x43F; & # x430; & # x43D; & # x43E; & # x432; & # x430; March 4, 2015 -> Feast of Ghouls On the eve of the march memory of Boris Nemtsov have crept -That characters from Gogol “Wii” squeal about the provocation on the eve of opposition activities. But that could “win” the opposition of the murder of one of its most charismatic leaders? & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x415; & # x432; & # x433; & # x435; & # x43D; & # x438; & # x44F; & # x415; & # x432; & # x434; & # x43E; & # x43A; & # x438; & # x43C; & # x43E; & # x432; & # x430; March 3, 2015 -> Murder without consequences The death of Boris Nemtsov unlikely to push our imperious car to some epiphany or, especially, the purification. It is doubtful that it will shake xenophobic mythology of the majority or the minority opposition will reduce confusion.
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 & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x414; & # x435; & # x43D ; & # x438; & # x441; & # x430; & # x413; & # x43E; & # x43B; & # x44C; & # x434; & # x43C; & # x430; & # x43D; & # x430; March 2, 2015 -> Temporary illumination of mind goskanalov surprisingly subdued light theme Nemtsov murder. But just look at the page of accredited and approved by the patriots to understand how fleeting is the deviation from the selected course and how little it hopes. February 28, 2015 -> Living by the rules, “McDonald’s” McDonaldization captures a variety of areas – travel, entertainment, medicine, education, science and even politics. Exist within unpretentious standards is easier and cheaper.

Analytics, interviews, reports

& # x421; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x43F; - & # x43A; & # x430; & # x434; & # x440; & # x420; & # x411; & # x41A; - & # x422; & # x412; March 6, 2015 Urin stole not all? In Moscow court began hearing the criminal case against the infamous banker Matthew Urine. This time he was accused of withdrawal of funds from the two banks. Urin itself states that it blamed someone else’s crime. March 5, 2015 fog of crisis? Ministry of Education promises to attract responsible Rectors, delay payment of scholarships. A number of educational institutions have recognized the problem. Some of them refer to the crisis, saying that “the money was directed to more important affairs of the country.”
 & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x414; & # x435; & # x43D ; & # x438; & # x441; & # x430; & # x413; & # x43E; & # x43B; & # x44C; & # x434; & # x43C; & # x430; & # x43D; & # x430; March 4, 2015 “Ingush trace” in the murder of Nemtsov As the “Rosbalt” a law enforcement source , operatives managed to find a record with CCTV cameras, which capture one of the alleged participants in the crime. & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x415; & # x432; & # x433; & # x435; & # x43D; & # x438; & # x44F; & # x417; & # x443; & # x431; & # x430; & # x440; & # x435; & # x432; & # x430; March 4, 2015 Migrants lined up in the queue The head of capital management FMS Olga Kirillova denied the rumors about the outflow of migrant workers from capital. According to the official, the new year the number of visitors to the city not only has not decreased, but even increased – by 15%.
 & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x414; & # x435; & # x43D ; & # x438; & # x441; & # x430; & # x413; & # x43E; & # x43B; & # x44C; & # x434; & # x43C; & # x430; & # x43D; & # x430; March 3, 2015 Nemtsov. Last Romantic by policy In the capital city of the Sakharov ceremony of farewell c Boris Nemtsov. A memorial service attended by thousands of people – from the rank and file supporters of former deputy prime minister and ending with prominent politicians from around the world. (& # x415; & # x441; & # x442; &#0   38; # x44C; & # x444; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E;)  & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x41D; & # x430; & # x434; & # x435; & # x436; & # x434; & # x44B; & # x41A; & # x440; & # x430; & # x441; & # x43D; & # x43E; & # x432; & # x43E; & # x439; March 3, 2015 Small business: do not rush to bury To order a memorial service for small businesses in the capital of premature claim in the Moscow City Hall. Entrepreneurs middle managers were more flexible business corporations. Unlike the latter, they confidently kept afloat.
 March 3, 2015 INION: in defense of “poor architecture” After a disastrous fire in the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences to Fano, city authorities and the public, apart from the question about the future of library funds, rose, and the other – on the future of the building . & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x41D; & # x430; & # x434; & # x435; & # x436; & # x434; & # x44B; & # x41A; & # x440; & # x430; & # x441; & # x43D; & # x43E; & # x432; & # x43E; & # x439; March 2, 2015 Commissar on the threshold of Less than a month left before the next spring in Russia conscription. “Rosbalt” learned from the experts, which is to be feared recruits and their parents this spring and how to correct mistakes already.

Today read



Reviews blogosphere March 5, 2015 Pinocchio Effect Sealed information policy all good from the point of view of the authorities – but the electorate is periodically baffled. In artificial little world rushes reality – and it turns out that around one cardboard scenery.  & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x418; & # x440; & # x438; & # x43D; & # x44B; & # x414; & # x43E; & # x43A; March 5, 2015 The belief in the inevitability of Hurricane There are times when it is possible and necessary to cultivate his garden, and are – when it is useless. Because tomorrow will come a hurricane, and the garden will remain.
 & # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x414; & # x435; & # x43D ; & # x438; & # x441; & # x430; & # x413; & # x43E; & # x43B; & # x44C; & # x434; & # x43C; & # x430; & # x43D; & # x430; March 5, 2015 Life is stronger It all started with the fact that the opposition no longer allow marches, rallies and only Only sometimes. But people still began to leave the streets, even on unauthorized action. March 5, 2015 die from saving Finance Ministry proposes to stop subsidizing NGOs. Deprive subsidies going to those who have worked with the disabled, orphans, the elderly, who developed a system of additional education and did a lot of other useful things.



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