Friday, March 6, 2015

Expert: The number of first marriages in Russia in the coming years will drop significantly – Rosbalt.RU

Rosbalt, 06/03/2015 15:32

MOSCOW, March 6. Russia enters a period of decline in the number of first marriages, but these declines have been observed in the country thirty and fifty years ago, said the deputy director of the Institute of Demography HSE Sergey Zakharov.

“Reducing the number of marriages will largely connected not with the beliefs and lifestyle and demographic processes as such. One of them – the falling birth rate in the 1990s. The Russians who were born in that decade and entered into the reproductive age are few “- said Zakharov.

Half a century ago in the country went clear reduction in the number of weddings. In the first half of the 1960s it was the turn marry numerically small generation born during the Second World War, the expert reminded. As a result, the number of registered unions has fallen, and the total marriage rate – the number of marriages per year in 1000 – down from a peak of 12, typical of the 1950s, to nine in 1965.

In the early 2000s, years launched a new phase of growth matrimonial indicators that generally supports up to 2011, when the annual number of marriages has reached 1,316,000. This is more than 50% more than in 1998. For ten years clearly increased and crude marriage rate, returning to the level of foreign 1980-1990′s: 9.2 per 1,000 people according to the 2011.

In the growing number of official unions have contributed and remarriage. In some years, the growth rate of remarriage blocked the growth rate of the first unions. For example, in 2011 the contribution of second and subsequent marriages in the total number of registered relationships in Russia has reached historic highs: men – 30%, women – 29,4%.

In 2012, the number of marriages has decreased significantly – by 7.8% compared to 2011, and it affected unions of different queues. According to preliminary data of Rosstat in 2014 there was a decrease in the number of marriages compared to 2013 year, a minimum of 1,5%.

The number of men and women aged 25 to 35 years old is still growing, support the number of marriages. But in the coming years will reduce their numbers that will result in a decline in marriage and fertility, said Zakharov.


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Analytics, interviews, reports

& # x424; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x418; & # x433; & # x43E; & # x440; & # x44F; & # x420; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x430; & # x440; & # x44F; March 6, 2015 When in Russia rules Oleksandr II? Kharkiv is a city where there is still almost not hear Ukrainian speech. However, the head of the local association “For equality” is convinced that the Russian-speaking discriminate even here, not to mention the rest of Ukraine.  & # x421; & # x442; & # x43E; & # x43F; - & # x43A; & # x430; & # x434; & # x440; & # x420; & # x411; & # x41A; - & # x422; & # x412; March 6, 2015 Urin stole not all? In Moscow court began hearing the criminal case against the infamous banker Matthew Urine. This time he was accused of withdrawal of funds from the two banks. Urin itself states that it blamed someone else’s crime.
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