Friday, March 6, 2015

Nokia, Oracle, Microsoft and other vendors have joined the complaint “Yandex” on the company Google – Information portal

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Official Statement “Yandex” As for promotion by Google extraneous services using its dominant position in the software market for gadgets. As you know, the Android operating system currently installed on the vast majority of mobile devices.

The investigation of the circumstances of the case in Europe, in common with other high-profile case that received a lot of publicity in 2009. Then the company accused Microsoft of monopolistic practices and real results were achieved in the framework of anti-monopoly program. If the claim “Yandex” and FairSearch will be satisfied, we can expect effective antitrust measures and the market for mobile operating systems.

At the moment, the situation with the Android software is that manufacturers of mobile devices accessing the components of the program only on condition Google, which, in turn, may make absolutely any requirements. In particular, the accusations against Google based on the prohibition of cooperation dependent on a mobile device manufacturers with competitors Google. This requirement is clearly in violation of international antitrust law. It is possible that the Commission will take action on this issue.

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Categories: Mobile , software, Web

Keywords: web service, Yandex, Google


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