Friday, March 20, 2015

Funded part of the pension remains – Utro.Ru

the complete abolition of the funded part of Pensions on the agenda is not worth it, said the head of Alexander Shokhin, who participated in yesterday’s meeting of Vladimir Putin with representatives of business, informs “Interfax”.

“The president supported our position and said that abolish mandatory funded pension no intention” – said Shokhin on Friday, March 20, at a press conference at the end ” Russian Business Week “organized by the RSPP.

Now, according to Shokhin, be addressed less global, but also a matter of principle – to extend the” freezing “the funded part.

“Yesterday is why we have raised this topic? Because yesterday was scheduled meeting at the Prime Minister, where the fork was, in fact, radical – either canceled or not. Right now decided that it is not canceled and a new fork arose: if you do not cancel the storage component as a compulsory part of the pension system, then freeze for 2016 or freeze – said Shokhin and added: – Only yesterday the likelihood of a decision on the Elimination of mandatory funded pension system was very high, “according to the Internet -portal

“So, we now have the following problem: to convince the government, including social unit, it is better not to freeze. We will work within the framework of the next step here, “- said the head of RSPP.

single opinion on the issue of further” freezing “savings president at the meeting not expressed, this topic will be discussed by the Government, said Shokhin.

Recall on Thursday, March 19, at the government behind closed doors held a meeting on social issues. A source familiar with the results of the meeting, told RIA “Novosti” that the decision was taken not was.


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