Friday, March 20, 2015

Amazon allowed to fly without pilots – Kommersant

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has authorized online retailer Amazon to begin testing of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the delivery of customer orders. However, the testing phase the company will have to comply with several requirements FAA – in particular, to manage aircraft remotely should be a professional pilot.

March 19 largest in the world in terms of turnover Internet retailer, American Amazon, received permission from the authorities for testing of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for delivery orders. Until now, companies had to be tested only in closed rooms and outdoors – only outside the United States.

According to the existing rules in the country, the commercial use of drones is illegal. In February FAA submitted a draft new rules for the use of the UAV. The new rules will take effect no earlier than one year, as they must first pass through the stage of public discussion and amendment. Seeking for months to permit testing of the UAV, Amazon has repeatedly warned FAA that if existing now severe restrictions on the use of UAVs will not be weakened, the country has lost a significant infusion of the budget and investment, as companies seek to draw on the drones, just withdraw their business outside the United States.

obtained permission from the FAA provides testing drones outdoors over privately owned in the state of Washington. Amazon logistics division in accordance with a resolution to be able to use the UAV ‘research, making improvements and training. ” According to the requirements of FAA, the limits for absolutely all flights of this kind, the drone should not get in the air above 120 m. Flights must be carried out only in the daytime, and the person who remotely controlled drones, should not release the unit from sight. In addition, the management of the UAV will be allowed not everyone, but only those who have a license for at least a private pilot, and underwent a medical examination. In accordance with the requirements of FAA Amazon will have to submit monthly data on the number of regulator perfect flight and cases of failure of the device or software.

Alain Miklashevsky

How Amazon went to drones

In July 2014 the online retailer Amazon appealed to the Federal Aviation Administration US to allow testing of the system parcel using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Previously, the company has been testing a delivery system in its research center. Read more

Why can not fly drones over Washington

Once in January on the territory of the White House crashed drone, its manufacturer Chinese company DJI decided to impose additional restrictions on flights made its unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). DJI will program their UAV so that they could not fly over areas with restrictions on flights and national borders. Due to the proliferation of UAVs increasingly regulators and manufacturers raise the question of the safety of air traffic and the conditions of use of drones. Read more


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