Wednesday, November 30, 2016

OPEC agreed on what would happen to oil and the ruble? – Forbes Russia

What the experts think about the agreement of OPEC, the rising oil prices and the prospects of the ruble.

for the First time in 8 years, the members of OPEC agreed to reduce oil production by 1.2 million barrels per day to 32.5 million Saudi Arabia needs to cut daily production of 486 thousand barrels to 10.06 million, reports Bloomberg, citing the text of the agreement. Iraq, the second oil production country in the cartel, will produce 210 thousand barrels less than in October. The United Arab Emirates and Kuwait will reduce daily production by 139 thousand and 131 thousand, respectively. The participants of the OPEC suspended its membership in the cartel Indonesia, its quota will be distributed between the remaining countries.

in addition, the agreement encourages countries not members of OPEC to reduce oil production to 600 thousand barrels per day. Russian energy Minister Alexander Novak assured that Russia “will gradually reduce the production” in the first half of 2017 to 300 thousand. barrels per day “in a short time, on the basis of technical possibilities.”

the Price of Brent crude on the news, has increased more than 8% and exceeded $ 50 per barrel. Dollar on the Moscow stock exchange at the same time could barely break through the level of 64 rubles, but did not stay there and to the closure of the market was worth 64,14 ruble (-97 cents by the end of the previous trading day).

whether the ruble to grow stronger?

Sergey Romanchuk, head of the dealing center Metallinvestbank:

a Powerful jump in oil prices shows that the market has not fully was confident that OPEC members will agree. However, it is unlikely that the growth of quotations will proceed. Cutting production, OPEC members have change for the price of oil, the share in the market. This was the reason for the skepticism about the agreement of OPEC. The danger of such decisions is clear: with oil above $ 50 a barrel it becomes profitable to drill for shale oil in the US, so there is a risk of losing market share to American manufacturers. In this regard, to predict onset of sharp and constant increase in oil prices would be reckless. The analysis shows that previous experience with increasing the value will increase with $ 55 per barrel is working actively in the infrastructure of the drilling of new wells.

I Believe that in the near future, Brent will cost in the range of $ 49-52.

If the ruble dependent on oil prices, he would have been greater. But on Wednesday, the Russian currency there were two countervailing factors. On the one hand, the rise in oil prices. And on the other the strengthening of the dollar against the currencies of developing countries. In particular, the dollar against the Turkish Lira is at an absolute maximum. This trend continued exit of investors from emerging markets assets – does not allow the ruble to strengthen in proportion to the price of oil. About 64 rubles per dollar – this is the result of two opposing forces.

Vitaly Bagmanov, managing Director, BCS Ultima:

the agreement will definitely have a positive impact on the oil market. But it is important to understand that the impact of this factor will be extremely short immediately for several reasons. First, the decision to reduce the level of production in the conditions when there are strong contradictions in the positions of the cartel members, can be extremely short-lived. Both Iran and Iraq is not ready for full-scale reduction for a number of reasons. Second, not all market participants believe that the agreements will be respected, after all for anybody not a secret that often quotas and actual production levels – they are completely different indicators. In addition, countries outside the cartel, also failed to give clear confirmation about the readiness to a proportional reduction of its own production.

Accordingly, the oil may be fixed at the level above $ 50 per barrel as long as not followed by news about the real situation on the market. If statistics will show that the signs of the reduction of overproduction is not de facto, quotes very quickly return in the range of $ 45-50 per barrel.

the Russian currency, as we have seen, is not so sensitive to fluctuations in oil prices, but, of course, such a strong movement will affect the rate. The rest of the week, we may see the dollar below 64 rubles. But, again, it is unlikely that this trend will be long-term. Most likely, the most probable range in which the Russian currency will be to the end of the year is 65-66 rubles per dollar.

Alexey Kaminsky, lead strategist at the ATON:

for the First time since 2008, OPEC countries failed to agree on joint control over the volume of oil production. The significance of this event cannot be overemphasized, and it is not even so much the specific numbers declining production. While fundamental shifts — reduction of shale oil production due to a sharp decline in prices — has already occurred on the world market again there is a cartel that can really have an impact on the dynamics of oil prices by regulating their own suggestions. Add to this up to $ 1 trillion frozen and cancelled projects and the growing demand due to the global economic recovery and get a good basic picture. Recent comments by Russia’s readiness to conduct a coordinated policy with OPEC completes this picture.

however, we do not think that the agreement increases the projected target oil prices. It probably seriously reduces the risk of sharp fall from the current levels. Our basic estimate of $ 55-60 per barrel in 2017, now seems quite realistic and achievable. We do not expect that oil prices will be able to exceed $ 60 per barrel, as above this level the game again “past fire and water” shale producers, who in two years could seriously reduce the cost of production. However, at some point in 2017, we will surely see attempts of oil to go above $ 60. By the end of this year we expect that the oil will lock in the corridor of $ 50-55 per barrel.

We expect that the dollar in 2017 will be in the wide corridor 57-67 rubles. This is primarily due to budget uncertainty for next year. Uverenna and what oil will approach $ 60 per barrel, the higher the likelihood that the strong ruble. As for the value of the dollar at the end of this year, sooner (before the election, Donald trump President) we expect to see the pair dollar-ruble in the fourth quarter around the value of 60-62, but now, it is likely to be above – 62-65.

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Key statements Maxim Oreshkin about the economy – RIA Novosti


(updated: )


MOSCOW, 30 Nov – RIA Novosti. the New head of the Ministry of economic development became 34-summer Maxim Oreshkin. Statements by the new Minister of the basic economic issues — the selection RIA Novosti.


“we Have a key element of the policy of the Central Bank is floating the exchange rate, which means that in the event of a change of balance of payments policy immediately finds a new equilibrium, and this means that you cannot expect at any given moment in time without changes of external conditions would be a significant change in exchange rate dynamics”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Deputy Minister of Finance Maxim Oreshkin during a meeting in the Kremlin. November 30, 2016

price of oil

“Our basic idea is to choose the level (oil prices — ed.) which looks to be structurally stable in the long term, and on the basis of it to build macroeconomic policy. Do not rely on 70-80 (per barrel — ed.). We live in a world when oil will be 40-50 (USD), anything above that is temporary, and it is impossible to draw, can’t be based on economic development. Anything below that — it may be possible to compensate for through stimulus measures, but again, you need to focus on 40-50″. the

About the imbalances in the Russian economy

“Structural imbalances need to be overcome for the Russian economy to achieve higher rates of economic growth. The main imbalance is the low share of investment in GDP. We currently have a share of investment in GDP of about 17-18%, and it is obvious that this level will not allow the economy to grow higher by about 1.5% of GDP”.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Minister of economic development of Russia Maxim Oreshkin during a meeting in the suburban residence “Gorki”. November 30, 2016

About “gas pedal”

“Only where it can be the gas pedal outside of the state in the private economy. We hope that the private sector will actively respond to the increased profitability of its business over the past couple of years to increase private investment because, in our opinion, the only way the economy can grow and grow faster than it does now”.

About the economy of China

“do Not tire of repeating that the growth model of China is not sustainable, accumulated huge structural imbalances, development issues. Recent data indicate that a second wave of capital outflows in recent months, the outflow more than in previous months. It is possible that there are two stories which, especially if they occur simultaneously, can play bad service for the Chinese economy”.


Alive OPEC: the cartel for the first time since 2008, agreed to reduce production of RBC

Photo: Hasan Jamali/AP

the OPEC meeting in Vienna for the first time since 2008 coordinated reduction of oil production. In conjunction with the efforts of the cartel and not the countries in that the extraction is to be reduced by 1.8 million barrels. per day

After nine weeks of intensive negotiations, the three largest oil producing member of OPEC — Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran settled their differences about the levels in which each country agreed to limit their production. This first trade to reduce the total production that the cartel managed to conclude in 2008. Themselves advice about freezing with varying degrees of success took almost a year for the first time this initiative was suggested at the last meeting in Doha February 15 meeting of Russian energy Minister Alexander Novak and his colleagues from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Venezuela. The parameters of the deal given in the published on the website of the OPEC agreement.

the Agreement will enter into force on 1 January 2017. It is designed for six months, after which it may be extended depending on market conditions. Aggregate production in the organization will be reduced to 32.5 million barrels. a day. This is a reduction of 1.2 million barrels. per day compared to average production in October as planned at the previous meeting in Algiers in late September. Another 600 thousand barrels. per day extraction of previously agreed to reduce the country, not part of the group. Consultation with them is scheduled for December 9, Bloomberg reported, citing one of the delegates.

Three questions about OPEC

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Saudi Arabia will limit oil production at the level of 10.06 million barrels. a day (against of 10.54 million barrels. a day in October), Iran — at the level of 3.79 million barrels. day, Iraq — at the level of 4.35 million barrels. a day. At the meeting, the Ministers approved the suspension of membership in the organization of Indonesia. Her quota will be distributed among other members of the group, reported TV channel Al-Arabiya, citing a source at the petroleum club. Libya and Nigeria have been released from production cuts. Previously this feature was caused by the difficult economic situation of these countries. OPEC will establish a Committee for monitoring the implementation of the terms of the transaction. It will include Venezuela, Kuwait and Algeria, two countries that are not members of OPEC.

“[in Its decision] OPEC sent a signal to the skeptics that spoke about the death of OPEC, Bloomberg cites the words of Amrita sen, chief oil analyst of the British research company Energy Aspects. The group wants to reduce the amount of oil reserves”. “The parameters of the agreement convenient for all parties involved — led the Agency review Jeff Curry, head of the direction “Investigation of commodity markets,” Goldman Sachs Group. — All stakeholders should consider it a success.”

price Effect

OPEC’s Decision has triggered a rally in the oil market. Benchmark Brent jumped on Wednesday by nearly 8%, from $ 46,38 up to $ 50.02 per bbl, WTI rose by 8.6%, from $ 45,23 to $ 49,12 per barrel. But OPEC’s decision made too late to have a lasting effect on prices, says the head of commodity strategy at ING Bank Hamza Kan. “In the next six days, the immediate reaction may be continued growth of prices, because the numbers are quite positive and promise a sharper decline than expected, — quotes Bloomberg words of the Khan. When the initial euphoria will subside, there will come a time shale producers of the US, which will start to increase production because this decision essentially means that for them Christmas came 26 days before the deadline”. The fact that OPEC refrained from cutting production for so long, played into the hands of American manufacturers, who were able to reduce costs and adapt to produce oil at $ 40 per barrel. So OPE C’s decision was too little and taken too late, which allows American manufacturers to fill a niche, concluded Khan.

Implications for market

OPEC’s Statement on significant production cuts, to 32.5 million barrels. per day, may stimulate the growth of prices of oil to $ 5 or higher in the following days, predicted Morgan Stanley analysts led by Adam Longson, in its review of 28 November. The effect will be even stronger if supported by strong statements from countries outside OPEC.

it is Unlikely that the agreement will completely eliminate the glut of oil on the market — according to calculations by the group, to balance demand and supply total OPEC production should not exceed 31.9 million barrels. a day in the first half of 2017, however, it opens up the opportunity to join the transaction of other countries, primarily Russia, the largest oil producer outside OPEC.


on Wednesday, a source familiar with the Russian position, told Bloomberg that Moscow is ready to take a more flexible stance on the restriction of production, if OPEC reaches an internal agreement on production cuts. After it was announced about the agreement, Minister of energy of Russia Alexander Novak welcomed the outcome of the meeting, calling them “a very important step for the global oil industry.”

“Russia as a responsible participant in the market who are ready to join the agreement on stabilization of the situation on the oil markets. At the end of intensive negotiations that lasted the last few months with key countries within and outside OPEC, Russia will gradually reduce production in the first half of 2017, in the amount up to 300 thousand Barr. a day in a short time, on the basis of their technical capabilities,” said Novak.

He noted that the total contribution of the parties to the agreement in efforts to stabilize the market “substantially exceeds” the level of overproduction of oil in the world and allows you to speed up the process of rebalancing. “We are optimistic about the development of the agreements, and we believe today’s agreement historically important event,” stated the Minister.

“In my opinion, this is absolutely the right solution which will help to rebalance markets and provide the price necessary for the development of the industry, — said RBC the decision of the Vice-President and co-owner of LUKOIL Leonid Fedun. — I was optimistic about OPEC, as you know. I am very pleased that this decision was made”.

indeed, OPEC has a policy to smooth price fluctuations in the market, says Fedun. “I hope that Russia will also support it. It often happens that the freezing [of oil production at the current level] even better reduce [production],” — said a top Manager. “This year and next (2017. RBC) year the oil price will be between $ 50 and $ 60 a barrel, within three years it can reach $ 80 per barrel,” predicts Fedun.

With the participation of Timothy Dzyadko


The oil continues to rise about 9% on the results of the OPEC meeting – RIA Novosti


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MOSCOW, 30 Nov — RIA Novosti/Prime. World oil prices in the course of trading environment continue to grow at a CAGR of 9% following the meeting of OPEC in Vienna, where agreement was reached on the reduction of extraction of raw material, according to the auction.

as of 21.12 MSK price of February futures for North sea petroleum mix of mark Brent has increased by 9.11% to 51.63 USD per barrel. The price of January futures for WTI rose by 8.78%, to 49,20 USD per barrel.

OPEC reached an agreement to reduce oil production from January to 1.2 million barrels per day — up to 32.5 million barrels per day. The agreement calls for production cuts by countries outside the cartel, 600 thousand barrels per day, and Russia agreed to reduce by 300 thousand. OPEC and countries outside the organization can hold a meeting on December 9 in Doha.

After the announcement of the outcome of the OPEC meeting the oil price began to rise sharply — by 9.55% mark Brent (up to 51.84 dollar) and 9.06% of the WTI (to 49.33 dollars). Later, however, the price of “black gold” slightly slowed growth.

“OPEC went much further than expected. If the agreement is implemented, the transaction will cause a drop in oil reserves at the beginning of next year. Respect of the transaction will now be key” — commented the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, UBS analyst Taunovo Giovanni (Giovanni Staunovo).

a Positive influence on the auctions in the oil market has also provided data on stocks of raw materials in the United States. Commercial oil stocks in the country (excluding strategic reserves) for the week ended November 25, dropped unexpectedly by 0.9 million barrels, or 0.2 cent to 488,1 million barrels. Analysts, however, believed that the reserves increased by 0,636 million barrels, or on 0,13% — to 489,636 million barrels. Oil production in the U.S. this week increased by 0.1%, or 9 thousand barrels per day, up to 8,699 million barrels per day.

read More about oil prices read more here>>


The oil continues to rise about 9% on the results of the OPEC meeting – RIA Novosti


(updated: )


MOSCOW, 30 Nov — RIA Novosti/Prime. World oil prices in the course of trading environment continue to grow at a CAGR of 9% following the meeting of OPEC in Vienna, where agreement was reached on the reduction of extraction of raw material, according to the auction.

as of 21.12 MSK price of February futures for North sea petroleum mix of mark Brent has increased by 9.11% to 51.63 USD per barrel. The price of January futures for WTI rose by 8.78%, to 49,20 USD per barrel.

OPEC reached an agreement to reduce oil production from January to 1.2 million barrels per day — up to 32.5 million barrels per day. The agreement calls for production cuts by countries outside the cartel, 600 thousand barrels per day, and Russia agreed to reduce by 300 thousand. OPEC and countries outside the organization can hold a meeting on December 9 in Doha.

After the announcement of the outcome of the OPEC meeting the oil price began to rise sharply — by 9.55% mark Brent (up to 51.84 dollar) and 9.06% of the WTI (to 49.33 dollars). Later, however, the price of “black gold” slightly slowed growth.

“OPEC went much further than expected. If the agreement is implemented, the transaction will cause a drop in oil reserves at the beginning of next year. Respect of the transaction will now be key” — commented the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, UBS analyst Taunovo Giovanni (Giovanni Staunovo).

a Positive influence on the auctions in the oil market has also provided data on stocks of raw materials in the United States. Commercial oil stocks in the country (excluding strategic reserves) for the week ended November 25, dropped unexpectedly by 0.9 million barrels, or 0.2 cent to 488,1 million barrels. Analysts, however, believed that the reserves increased by 0,636 million barrels, or on 0,13% — to 489,636 million barrels. Oil production in the U.S. this week increased by 0.1%, or 9 thousand barrels per day, up to 8,699 million barrels per day.

read More about oil prices read more here>>


“Has strategic creativity”: what our colleagues say about Maxim Oreshkin – RBC

the head of the Ministry of economic development Maxim Oreshkin

Photo: Ruslan shamukov/TASS

Vladimir Putin has appointed a new Minister of economic development. They became 34-the summer Deputy Minister of Finance Maxim Oreshkin. What they say about him colleagues at RBC

Anton Siluanov, Russia’s Finance Minister:

“. — class macroeconomist, better than him in the field of macroeconomics, I do not know the market. You will just have to see then and remember my words.”

Alexander Auzan, Dean of the economic faculty of Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov:

“I think it’s a good choice (Oreshkin. — RBC). Liksutov is the person that connected the two departments traditionally opposed to each other, — the Ministry of Finance and economy. When we are talking about reform programs, Oreshkin, Deputy Minister of Finance, has formed a very good offers that were quite acceptable to the Ministry of economy. He does not possess what often accuse financiers of excessive conservatism. At the same time, experience at the Central Bank and the Finance Ministry over the shoulders is good. This man is not tactically minded, and the person who possesses strategic flair. I don’t think the course will change.”

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Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman of the state Duma Committee on financial market:

“Maxim Oreshkin is one of the most professional people among officials. He is young, energetic, which can give more intelligibility to the work of the Ministry. Recently manifested an amorphous position here, I think, will be more systematic and clear position that needs to be done to the structural adjustment of the economy, for economic growth. Of course, Maxim — the market economy. He has a firm stance on a balanced budget, he understands what it takes to restrain their appetite for spending. He was one of those who defended the position of neutrality of the budget. Perhaps this is to the detriment of short term growth, but it ensures low inflation. It needs to offer resources for economic restructuring”.

Evgeny Yasin, academic supervisor of National research University “Higher school of Economics”, economy Minister of Russia (1994-1997):

“I Hope that his career will appeal to those structural reforms, about which all speak, but nobody really knows what it is. He knows how to hold on — he knows that like the boss that you can do, and what not to do. My experience, including in the civil service, shows that it is best when decisions are agreed with management. The more that we have a system of authoritarian state. It is necessary to reckon with this, otherwise you will not do anything. I’m with him (Oreshkin. — RBC) talked and I can say that it is a good choice. This does not mean that I support such a dismissal of speaker”.

Andrey Nechaev, the Minister of economy of Ukraine (1992-1993), President of the Bank “Russian financial Corporation” (1993-2013):

“When I was Minister. was still going to school. Later, when I was the head of “Russian financial Corporation”, we met at different conferences. He gave me always the impression of being fairly professional man, despite his relatively young age. It is generally of the investment bankers have long worked in this capacity in the banking system, and I think it needs a good understanding of the processes that occur in the investment sector, and the obstacles that stand in the way of investment.”

Boris Titov, authorized under the President of Russia for entrepreneurs ‘ rights protection:

“Maxim Oreshkin is a bright representative of the monetarist school. His appointment is evidence that the government is not going to change the course of monetary authorities and will continue a tight monetary policy, fiscal compression. It is also a serious strengthening of the position of the Ministry of Finance”.

Sergei Borisov, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the public organization of small and medium entrepreneurship “OPORA Russia”, along with his Best included in of the Economic Council under the President of Russia:

“I thought he was a systematic man, with good Economics, he is well aware of the macroeconomic, financial, and microeconomic component of our being, the economy is great. Worrying that probably should be a little more experience, after all, in 34 years to lead the staff to manage our economy — something here I can’t figure. God forbid, our Supreme government saw his potential, and everything will fall into spot. The youth is a shortcoming that quickly passes. But in General in his articles, remarks, speeches at conferences, the feedback is very positive. At first his steps and towards small and medium businesses we understand what he is “Suhov”.


“Vedomosti” reported on the plans for the elimination of “Euroset” in the next year – Interfax

According to the newspaper, “VimpelCom” introduced “to the Megaphone” the sharing of offices and the debt and offers to take him to the end of December.

"statements" reported on plans for the elimination of "Euroset" in the next year

Photo: TASS, Valery sharifulin

Moscow. 30 Nov. INTERFAX.RU – “Vympelcom” and “MegaFon” to the end of this year to agree on the division of “Euroset”, and in the next year to eliminate the brand itself, write Wednesday “Vedomosti”.

Operators, each of which owns 50% stake in the company, while negotiating about the division of salons and debts, which are estimated to be about 15 billion rubles. “Vedomosti” reported that VimpelCom has already offered a specific plan of separation and offers to sign it before 24 December, however, the “MegaFon” this scheme in its current form is not satisfied. The last thing I want to keep the brand, but it will have to assume all debts of the company, according to a source.

About the reorganization plans of “Euroset” became known in the spring. The reason for this decision, “Vedomosti”, was that the business of the company came into conflict with the objectives of operators: basic earnings Euroset give phone numbers, the task of the operators ‘ contracts with subscribers.

“Vympelcom” has bought a 49.9% of Euroset for $ 226 million in 2008 to Alexander Mamut, and that 100% of the founder, Yevgeny Chichvarkin. In December 2012, Mamut sold the rest for $ 1.07 billion: 0.1 percent bought “Vympelcom” 25% – “Megaphone” and Alisher Usmanov’s Garsdale with partners. Share Garsdale moved “to the Megaphone” in July 2014.


The Kremlin is waiting for clarification of Erdogan’s statement about the purpose of Turkish military operations in Syria – statement

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin is waiting for clarification from the Turkish authorities concerning the application of the President of this country Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the Turkish military operation in Syria is to overthrow President Ba shar al-Assad.

“Statement really was news, this is a very serious statement, which is generally discordant with the previous one, and the statement, which is discordant with our understanding of the situation. With our state’s Armed forces which – only – are the legitimate regime in Syria, that is, at the request of the legitimate authorities”, – said Peskov.

He stressed that “it is important to remember” that the only country which carries out the operation in Syria is legitimate, and that is Russia. Peskov said that the Russian side is waiting for clarification from the Turkish partners. He also said that during the recent telephone conversations Erdogan no representations as to the objectives of the Turkish operation in Syria did not.

Previously a number of media quoted Erdogan during his speech in Istanbul at the Symposium on the middle East that Istanbul has views of the Syrian territory and launched a military operation in Northern Syria to end the Assad government. “We are there to restore justice and to put an end to the domination of a cruel tyrant Assad, who gave the country a terror state”, – quotes the words of the President “RIA Novosti”.

the Official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that Moscow relies on public statements by the Turkish President words about Bashar al-Assad said “off the record”.

“yesterday We studied the issue. The quote made a lot of noise, – said Zakharov. We tried to understand whether it was said, as quoted. It was not a direct quote, paraphrase stated “off the record”. We rely on public statements,” – said Zakharov.

Since the end of August, the Turkish military carried out in the Syrian operation “shield of the Euphrates” against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). Thanks to the participation of the Syrian opposition, the Turkish military was able to take the border town Dzharablus in the North of Syria. Now they continue the offensive in a South-westerly direction.


The EU court found unreasonable part of sanctions against Arkady Rotenberg, a merchant

Tribunal of the court of justice recognized the unjustified EU sanctions against Russian businessman Arkady Rotenberg in force from July 2014 to March 2015. But he confirmed the restrictive measures for the period from March 2015 to September 2016.

“Today’s decision, the Tribunal has partially approved the claim of Mr. Rothenberg about the cancellation (sanctions). He annulled the restrictive measures in force from 31 July 2014 to 14 March 2015″,— the “RIA Novosti”. While the restrictive measures imposed on Mr. Rotenberg from March 15 to September 15, 2015 remain in effect.

In October 2014 “Rosneft” and businessman Arkady Rotenberg contested sanctions against them in the EU court. The company was unhappy with the ban on the supply of her equipment and restriction on work with foreign partners, and a businessman — freezing its assets in Europe.

read More about the EU sanctions read in the material “Kommersant”, “Rosneft strongly ischet”.


HELP – the Organization of countries-exporters of oil (OPEC) – economic information Agency PRIME

MOSCOW, 30 Nov /PRIME/. The official OPEC meeting, where the organization can finally resolve the issue of restrictions on its level of oil production, will take place in Vienna (Austria) on Wednesday.

the following is background information about OPEC.

the Organization of countries-exporters of oil, OPEC (The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC) – an international organization created to coordinate the sales and pricing of crude oil.

By the time of the founding of OPEC in the market there was a significant excess of the proposed oil, the appearance of which was caused by the early development of giant oil fields – primarily in the middle East. In addition, the market left the Soviet Union, where from 1955 to 1960, doubled the volume of oil production. This abundance has caused serious competition in the market, leading to a constant decline in prices. The situation was the reason for combining several of the countries-exporters of oil in OPEC to work together to confront transnational oil corporations and to maintain the necessary price level.

OPEC as a permanent organization was established at a conference in Baghdad (Iraq) 10-14 September 1960. Initially, the organization includes Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela – the initiator of creation. The countries that founded the organization that would later be joined by nine more: Qatar (1961), Indonesia (1962-2009, 2016), Libya (1962), United Arab Emirates (1967) Algeria (1969), Nigeria (1971), Ecuador (1973-1992, 2007), Gabon (1975-1995, 2016), Angola (2007).

currently, OPEC consists of 14 members, with some of the new member of organization Angola and the returning of Ecuador in 2007, and returns from 1 January 2016 Indonesia, released from the organization in 2009, and from July 2016 Gabon terminated its membership in January 1995.

the Purpose of OPEC is to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of member countries to ensure fair and stable prices for oil producers, the efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming Nations and a fair return on capital for investors.

the Bodies of OPEC is the Conference, the governing Council and the Secretariat.

the Highest organ is the Conference of OPEC member States, convened two times a year. It defines the main directions of the activities of OPEC, decides on the admission of new members, approves the composition of the governing Council shall consider the reports and recommendations of the governing Council approves the budget and the financial report, adopts amendments to the Charter of OPEC.

the Executive organ of the OPEC Board of governors, formed of managers who are appointed by the States and approved by the conference. This body is responsible for the management of the activities of OPEC and the implementation of decisions of the Conference. Meeting of the governing Board are held at least twice a year.

the Secretariat is headed by a Secretary General appointed by the conference for three years. The authority shall function under the guidance of the governing Council. It provides the work of the Conference and of the governing Council, prepares communications and strategic data, and distributes information about OPEC.

the senior administrative official of OPEC is the Secretary General.

from 1 August 2016 the Secretary-General of OPEC is the former head of the state oil company of Nigeria (Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC) Mohammed’s Sanusi Barkindo (Mohammed Sanusi Barkindo).

the Headquarters of OPEC is situated in Vienna (Austria).

According to current estimates, more than 80% of the world’s proven oil reserves are in the countries-members of OPEC, with 65% of the total reserves of OPEC countries are concentrated in the middle East.

the Proven oil reserves of OPEC countries are estimated at 1,213 trillion barrels.

At the end of September 2016, OPEC’s informal meeting in Algeria agreed on a restriction of output in the range of 32.5-33 million barrels of oil per day, but specific limits for each of the countries of the organization while there is no agreement. The organization relies on adherence to the measures to stabilize the market and several other oil-producing countries – primarily Russia.

At the end of October 2016, oil production by OPEC countries made up of 33.64 million barrels per day, which is almost 240 thousand barrels per day more compared with September. Thus, OPEC has continued to exceed its own production quotas, which formally amounts to 30 million barrels per day. The share of OPEC in world production in October amounted to 34.9%.

the Average price of a barrel of OPEC in November 2016 is 42,83 dollar in 2016 is at the level of 39.69 USD. The price oil “baskets” the OPEC is defined as the average of the prices of the grades of oil extracted by the countries of cartel.

In 2015 the average price oil “baskets” the OPEC made up of 49.49 per barrel, in 2014 – 96.29 USD. Below $ 100 it dropped in September 2014, representing then 95,98 dollars per barrel.

In 2013 “shopping cart” the average cost 105.87 dollars per barrel, in 2012 – 109.45 dollar, in 2011 – 107,46 dollar, in 2010 – 77,45 dollar. Record price basket was set July 3, 2008 – 140.73 dollars per barrel.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Media: Russia can be left without YouTube

the Legal Committee Mediacommunications Union (ISS) warned that the video hosting YouTube subject of the new bill on online-cinemas and it may force him to leave Russia, writes “Kommersant”.

a Bill to regulate video services prepared Mediacommunications Union, was submitted to the Duma on 25 November. The document prohibits foreign ownership of audiovisual services with professional content, the daily audience which for the month exceeds one hundred thousand users.

“Under the concept of “organizer of audiovisual service” is subject to YouTube, where users post including the content of its own production… the bill could lead to the departure YouTube from the territory of Russia”, — said in the conclusion of the legal Committee of the ISS.

On videohostinge is both professional and user generated content, however, at this stage there is no way to distinguish one from the other, specify possible reasons for leaving YouTube sources, “Kommersant”. In addition, the adoption of the law may result in an increase in additional costs for the additional infrastructure.

YouTube is the most popular video sharing website and the second in the world in attendance. Russians make up about 2% of the total audience.


Oil prices fell nearly 4% ahead of the summit of OPEC – RBC

Photo: Reuters/Pixstream

oil Prices fell nearly 4% on the expectations of traders that the OPEC at the forthcoming summit in Vienna will not be able to agree to freeze the level of production

In the course of the trading session the price of a barrel of North sea Brent fell to $ of 46.92, which is 4% lower than the previous mark. As of 0:38 MSK decline of approximately 3.6% and prices fluctuate in the range of $ 47,40 – 47,50 per barrel.

As reported by Reuters, the decrease is due to the expectations from the summit of the OPEC which will take place today in Vienna. At the conclusion of an agreement to freeze production levels. However, analysts believe that such a development stopping position of Iran and Iraq, disagree with the opinion of Saudi Arabia for this reason.

Analysts at Macquarie Capital do not exclude that the final decision will be made “last minute”. And this despite the fact that the main issues have been discussed for several months: who is going to reduce production and by how much. Experts Macquarie suggested that the lack of agreement will drop the oil prices below $ 40 per barrel, while the agreement will raise the quotes above $ 50.

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suggested that the failure of the negotiations could cause the price of oil for the first time since January.

against the background of increasing the production of OPEC and Russia in the fight for market share.


“And the star and sickle and hammer” Zyuganov endorsed the idea of a Surgeon to change the coat of arms of Russia – REN TV

Communist party Leader Gennady Zyuganov said that the leader of the biker club “Night wolves” Alexander “Surgeon” Zaldostanov shows respect for the symbolism “the great thing that we proud of.” Zyuganov supported the proposal of a biker add to the state emblem of Russia spikes, sunlight and a five-pointed star of Victory.

“For symbols in General should be treated very respectful: and the star and sickle and hammer is what represents our victory, hard work and respect for working people”, — said Zyuganov.

Note that the leader of the Communist party, despite the exercise of support, however, noted that it is necessary “to study it and to consult” in the current logo.

Recall that previously appeared information about the fact that “Surgeon” suggested the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to amend the coat of arms of Russia. In particular, the biker offered to add to the picture a five-pointed star of Victory, which is a symbol of continuity between the current Russian, Soviet and tsarist. In the Kremlin, in turn, noted that he had not received proposals Zaldostanov.


Medvedev rejected the idea of lowering hot water temperature – RBC

Photo: Depositphotos

Dmitry Medvedev called the debate about lowering the hot water temperature “closed”. Earlier the proposal was made by the Rospotrebnadzor, and the Ministry of health called lowering the temperature “permissible”

the government in the course of discussion came to the conclusion that it is not necessary to lower the temperature of the water in the hot water system. This was during a meeting with employees Stojlenskogo mining and processing plant, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

“Indeed, such information was published, but I just want to say that there are no such decisions. I was gathering of experts and colleagues in government who are responsible for this area, and the General conclusion is: do not be”, — assured the Prime Minister (quoted by “Interfax”).

According to Medvedev, if the water is heated to 60-70 degrees in the water supply hot water supply can be eliminated “a number of problems.” Such changes cannot be entered without regard to the General sanitary-epidemiological situation, the Prime Minister added.

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“not to create problems, I decided to abandon this idea. So the debate is closed. Can reassure you all, the water will not only warm, but hot”, — concluded Medvedev.

According to the norms SanPiN (Sanitary rules and norms. the RBC), the temperature of hot water must be at least 60 degrees. In early November, the CPS has proposed to reduce the minimum temperature of hot water in apartments of Russians 10 degrees to 50. While in office, pointed to the need for compliance with conditions to ensure epidemiological safety. The corresponding document with the proposal of the CPS has been discussed on the portal of legal acts, received 276 votes against and 6 in favour.

the CPS then told RBC that, by forming the proposals was based on the conclusion of Ministry of health, which was sent to the government on 5 October. In this the Ministry refers to the study of “Hygienic safety evaluation of water use of hot water with adjustable temperature”, which was held by fsbi “Sri of human ecology and environmental hygiene named after A. N. Sisina”. Then the Ministry of health called “valid” lowering the hot water temperature to 50 degrees “in strict compliance” of security requirements.

the Ministry decided that the results of the research Institute A. N. Sisina can not serve as evidence base for assertions about the safety of lowering the hot water temperature to 50 degrees. FAS and the Association of housing “Development” supported the idea of reducing the temperature taking into account the implementation of all preventive measures, as mentioned in the conclusion of Ministry of health.

Subsequently, the representative of the Ministry Oleg Salagai said that the Agency sent to the CPS recommendations, however, the Ministry of health “any support or endorsement reducing the temperature of the hot not spoken and does not speak”.


In Russian schools can still receive the course “Orthodox culture” – media – statements

In Russian schools may receive the subject “Orthodox culture”, despite the fact that the first draft of the course received this summer a negative opinion of experts, writes “Kommersant”.

In the order of publication was a letter sent out last week 36 members of the Federal educational-methodical Association (UMO) on General education. It is proposed to evaluate the improved program of the school course “Orthodox culture”. Russian Academy of education launched the process of absentee voting, the newspaper said, which will run until November 30. If the project is supported, schools will receive the Federal guidelines for the study of “Orthodox culture” in the 1-11th grades, the newspaper writes.

In July it became known that the Russian Academy of education sent for examination to Moscow city pedagogical University project of the “Orthodox culture” for the training from 1st to 11th grade. In September, the EMA rejected the project, but the new version was already two months later. Several members of the Association, who requested anonymity, told “Kommersant” that at this time most likely to vote for the “Orthodox culture”. The Ministry of education are unable to respond promptly to the request.

Head of the sector of foundations of Orthodox culture of the Synodal Department for religious education and catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church Herman Demidov previously reported that the course “Orthodox culture” will be voluntary. According to Demidov, it is assumed that the 1st to 4th grades, students will be acquainted with the subject, 5-9-m – to thoroughly examine the history and culture of Orthodoxy, in the 10-11th – approached philosophical questions. He assured that the number of classes and hours in each school will be established individually, taking into account the views of children and parents and the availability of students ‘ free time.


Russia’s oldest tobacco factory will close because of falling market – RBC

the Yaroslavl tobacco factory “Balkan star”

Photo by: Lori

Russia’s Oldest tobacco factory will be closed in January 2017. Imperial Tobacco, which owns the enterprise, refers to the increase in tobacco excise taxes, strict regulation and overall difficult situation in the economy.

an international company Imperial Tobacco announced the closure of 1 January 2017, the oldest Russian tobacco factories located in Yaroslavl. The capacity of the factory is involved only 40%, indicated in an official statement (there RBC). The reasons for this the company calls a steady decline in the volume of Russian cigarette market influenced by tough regulatory measures, the “tax burden” on tobacco products and the difficult situation in the Russian economy as a whole.

“we also strongly influenced by legislative ban on the production of packs number of cigarettes over 20 pieces. Shutting down production is an inevitable step towards the operationalisation of our business in the future” — are reported words of the General Director of “Imperial tobacco Yaroslavl” Oleg Dyatlov.

in Addition to the Yaroslavl factory of Imperial Tobacco has a production site in Volgograd. In 2014 there were installed machines for the production of packs of 25 cigarettes instead of the standard 20. To increase packs in ekonomsegmente manufacturers have gone because of the crisis, trying to keep consumers. Relevant products began to produce all five of the largest companies in the market — Japan tobacco International (JTI), Philip Morris, British American Tobacco (BAT), “Donskoy Tabak” and Imperial Tobacco. And this segment was the only one that showed growth in real terms, told RBC participants in the market. But in early 2016, the government banned the sale of more than 20 cigarettes in one pack.

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Now Imperial Tobacco disassemble production lines for the production of bundles increased in Volgograd, and in their place supply equipment from Yaroslavl, told RBC representative of the company Andrey Rogov. According to him, the historical building of the closed factories will be offered for sale.

According to a source RBC in Yaroslavl factory, in recent years it has resorted to planned production stops, which is characteristic for the tobacco industry, more often than usual. At the same time the production process in the building of the XIX century was associated with a number of technology problems.

Closure is not a surprise, according to the head of branch news Agency “Russian tobacco” Maxim Korolev. According to him, the policy of curtailing production at the Yaroslavl factory was adopted under the previous owner — the French company Altadis, which is owned by enterprise from 2004 to 2008.

According to the Queen, the closure will not affect the business of Imperial Tobacco, but “regrettably”, because the factory is a significant company for the domestic tobacco industry.

the Yaroslavl tobacco factory, founded in 1850, the state peasant Nikolay Dunayev by, is the oldest in Russia. In 1878, in honor of the victory in the Russo-Turkish war it was renamed “the Balkan star” and has long been known under this name.

the Decline in production due to the increase in the excise burden in the last year has already led to a number of major tobacco companies. In 2012, British American Tobacco shut down the factory “BAT-Yava”, distributing the production between its facilities in Saint-Petersburg (“BAT-SPb”) and Saratov (“BAT-STF”). In the summer of 2015 Corporation Japan tobacco International (JTI) announced the closure of the famous Moscow tobacco factory “Liggett-Dukat”. In 2007, the production capacity of the company and its development, the company has invested about $ 100 million.


The schools plan to introduce the subject “Orthodox culture” – TV Center – the Official web site of the company

Tags: Public schools children education Orthodoxy

In Russian schools may introduce the subject “Orthodox culture”. It will be designed for the entire period of study – from 1st to 11th grade. Currently, the process of absentee voting for the project, which runs until November 30. If the document is approved, the item will begin EN masse to enter school.

In Russian schools are planning to introduce the subject “Orthodox culture”. This is evidenced by a letter with a modified program appropriate school course, which appeared at the disposal of the newspaper “Kommersant”.

Document last week was sent to 36 members of the Federal educational-methodical Association on General education. Absentee voting will last until November 30. If it is agreed, schools will receive guidelines for the study of “Orthodox culture” from 1st to 11th grades.

the First version of the draft programme of the training course was distributed to the members of the Association in July. However, while expert opinions are divided. In September, the project was rejected. As told “Kommersant” several members of the EMA, this time most likely to vote for.

the Course “Orthodox culture” is divided into three blocks – from the 1st to 4th classes, 5th to 9th and from 10th to 11th. In the first grade the subject is allowed to study in their spare time. On “Orthodox culture” are to be made to the schedule. The first block will take at least 102 hours. According to the study of the first unit, according to the authors of the project, the children would be Orthodox “Christian value orientation”. Students must evaluate their actions “on the basis of the moral norms of the Orthodox Christian tradition”.

the Second block can take anywhere from 175 to 350 hours of training. According to the results of its study, according to the authors, a graduate of the ninth grade will have to “know the names of the seven Ecumenical councils and to describe the adopted solutions”, “to navigate in the Orthodox calendar (calendar)”, “to list the twelve, passing and neperehodimyh Orthodox holidays” and “list and describe the types of Church bells and bells.” The result of the study course should be to form the child’s worldview on the basis of the Orthodox spiritual and moral traditions and “the willingness to deliberate self-restraint in the consumption of vital goods”.

In the 10-11th classes of the subject is given 70 hours with the possibility expansion rate up to 140 hours. The aim of the study is understood from the 5th to 9th grades of the material, but “more detail”. The result of study of the full course “Orthodox culture” should become “the formation of the Outlook based on the Orthodox moral and spiritual culture, corresponding to modern level of science and social practice”.

see also:

Syrian students wrote the terrorists “letters of peace”

Golodets has announced a change in the work of school psychologists


In Russia allowed to buy alcohol on the driver’s license – Komsomolskaya Pravda

Russia will be able to buy alcoholic beverages, presenting a driver’s license. The draft resolution now being prepared in the the Ministry, said the head of the Association of retail companies (akort) Ilya Lomakin-Rumyantsev.

In his slovam, the reason for the extension of the list of documents became a legal conflict: the same list of documents for the purchase of cigarettes and other tobacco products already includes a driver’s license.

according to the newspaper “Kommersant”, sootvetstvuyushie the resolution will come into effect from 31 March 2017.

Now the alcohol is allowed to sell to citizens over the age of 18 on presentation of the passport of the citizen of Russia, as well as in the international passport, diplomatic or service passport, a temporary identity card, seaman’s passport or foreign national, military card, residence permit or temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, the refugee certificate or the certificate of temporary asylum in Russia.


Monday, November 28, 2016

The media learned about plans of introduction of the advanced course of Orthodoxy from 1 to 11 classes

In Russia, at the request of the Ministry of education and the Russian Orthodox Church examines the possibility of mass implementation in schools of the subject “Orthodox culture” for the duration of training — 1 to 11-th class, writes “Kommersant”.

in the Summer the first draft of the course received a negative opinion of experts. However, the authors made corrections, and last week, the Russian Academy of education, without advertising, launched among members of the Federal educational-methodical Association process of absentee voting, which will run until November 30.

Now in the fourth grade are studying the course “Basics of religious cultures and secular ethics” (ORKSE), and parents can choose one of the modules: secular ethics, religious culture, Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Buddhism or Judaism. From 1 September 2015 the Ministry of education has introduced a compulsory part of the programme the subject area of “Bases spiritually-moral culture of the peoples of Russia” (ODKNR), calling it “a logical extension” ORKSE.

First discussed the possibility of splitting ORKSE for two years, and then it flowed smoothly if in high school, ODKNR. But this has not happened, the specific items for her appeared. Now the authors propose to fill the subject area of the course “Orthodox culture”. If this happens, parents have no alternatives when selecting, until you develop other courses. This conflict was used by the authors, the newspaper notes.

According to the developers of the course “Orthodox culture”, the graduate of the ninth grade have to know the names of the seven Ecumenical councils and to describe the adopted solutions, navigate the calendar, to enumerate the twelve, passing and neperehodimyh Orthodox holidays, as well as list and describe the types of Church bells and bells.

the Results of course, the authors consider “forming a worldview based on the Orthodox moral tradition” and “preparedness for deliberate self-restraint in the consumption of vital goods”.

Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill in February 2015, said that the Russian Orthodox Church suggested the Ministry of education to expand the course ORKSE. According to the head reserved for him now 34 hours is not enough, in this connection, it is suggested to extend the course for the duration of the schooling.


Lufthansa cancels more than 1.7 thousand flights Tuesday and Wednesday – Interfax

Moscow. 28 Nov. INTERFAX.RU – Lufthansa announced the cancellation of more than 1.7 thousand flights in the next two days due to pilots ‘ strike, which lasts for the second week. On Tuesday, there will be 816 flights of German air carrier of the planned 3 million, which will affect 82 thousand passengers. Wednesday will be canceled flight 890, which was to transport about 98 thousand people.

Lufthansa intends to obtain an injunction against the strike, to block protests. However, a similar move last week was not supported by the court, according to MarketWatch. The current conflict is the longest strike by pilots of Lufthansa.

the German Union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC), representing the pilots of Lufthansa, announced the extension of the strike for the second consecutive week. On Monday, as expected, all flights will be on schedule. Negotiations with Lufthansa management about salary increase at the weekend deadlocked, so the pilots will continue to strike on Tuesday and Wednesday. As expected, November 29, the strike will impact mainly on domestic flights, 30 November – on all flights starting in Germany.

Lufthansa has said it is working on a special flight plans for Tuesday and Wednesday. The strike will not affect flights of subsidiary companies and partner transport, including flights Eurowings, Germanwings, Swiss International Air Lines, Austrian Airlines, Air Dolomiti and Brussels Airlines.

For the previous days of the strike, the carrier has cancelled 2,755 thousand flights, which affected 345 thousand passengers. Management estimates that the company pilots strike cost at 10 million euros a day. Lufthansa pilots complain that their wages did not grow for five years and require an increase by 3.6% for each year of freeze in the amount of more than 20%.

last Thursday the CEO Carsten Spohr said Lufthansa may cease to exist, if they fulfill the demands of the striking pilots Union Cockpit to raise salaries. Lufthansa pilots carried out for the 14th strike during the tariff dispute with the company, stretching two years. In 2014-2015, Lufthansa canceled 16 thousand flights due to strikes, losing on this EUR 463 million.

the Lufthansa Group in addition to the eponymous brand owned by Austrian Airlines, Swiss Airlines, Germanwings, Eurowings and share in Brussels Airlines and SunExpress Turkish. In 2015 they moved a record number of passengers 107.7 million people.
