Saturday, September 3, 2016

“Asian superrings”: What problems stand in the way of association grids – TASS

VLADIVOSTOK, September 3. / TASS /. Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed the formation of an intergovernmental working group to elaborate a draft energy superrings, which will link Russia, China, South Korea, Japan.

“We support the initiative of the Russian companies, Japan, South Korea and China to create energy superrings, which will connect the two countries for more rapid, dynamic implementation of the project offer to form an intergovernmental working group “, -. Putin said, speaking on the East economic forum

As the president noted, Russia is ready to provide its partners competitive in the APR rates. electricity and fix it for the long term.

The “zero”

The project, dubbed “Asia superrings”, was proposed by RAO “UES of Russia” in 1998-2000. It is an association of energy systems of Russia, China, Mongolia, South Korea and Japan. The growth of energy consumption in the Russian Federation and, accordingly, reducing electricity surpluses have led to the fact that the dialogue has stopped.

The integration process was resumed only in 2011, when Japan faced the energy crisis on the background of decommissioning of nuclear reactors.

At the end of March 2016 the representatives of “Rossetti” company, China China State Grid Corporation , Korean Korea electric Power Corporation and Japan’s Softbank Group signed in Beijing a memorandum of joint promotion of the interconnected electricity grid covering Northeast Asia. Power system may reach 15 GW.

The development of the project from the Russian side is engaged Minvostokrazvitiya.

As part of this ambitious project is the energy bridge to Japan, the capacity of which can reach 5 GW. As previously noted the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin, a technological solution to create a bridge between Sakhalin and Japan already have

“Installing a submarine cable -. It is quite cheap technology, – he said -. But from Sakhalin to Hokkaido only 40 km away. ” The head of “Rosneft” stressed that “conditions make it possible to create a powerful and reliable cluster to generate electricity, which allows you to calmly and confidently transmit electricity to areas of Japan, who need them”.

European model in Asia

As noted by the President of the Japanese Fund Sasakawa Peace Foundation, former executive director of the International energy agency (IEA) Nobuo Tanaka, the project will make a significant contribution to energy security in the region and will expand the use of alternative energy.

Speaking of ideas benefits of energy ring, Tanaka pointed to a similar experience of European countries. “Combining the power, European countries share the risks of possible disturbances (electricity supply) It enhances the consumption of renewable energy, -. – He said. By expanding the use of alternative energy, sharing risks, Europe is trying to create a more sustainable and secure energy future market” -. the expert added, noting that such an approach can be called collective energy security

This experience, in his opinion, can be used and in Asia. “The European model can be applied in the North-East Asia, Russia -. One of the most important suppliers, China is also the supplier, but at the same time and the consumer, Korea and Japan are very isolated from other parts of Asia, but the connection of power networks is the sharing of risks,” – he said. The project “can also greater use of alternative energy opportunities which exist in Mongolia, China and other countries,” stressed Tanaka.

The geopolitical integration

The former head of the IEA suggested that such a project should be profitable from the economic point of view, since it would require an investment of private companies and promote business development. At the same time there is in him and geopolitical component, said it

“The idea of ​​electric connection is very innovative, geopolitical,” -. Says Tanaka. “I think that the joint study of these ideas, such as providing a” collective energy security “, should move forward and then in the future can be achieved by decision of geopolitical issues This initiative -.. This is a very good initiative for a dialogue between the two countries, and it can pave the way for solving the existing bilateral geopolitical issues “, -. the expert believes

From a geopolitical point of view, the project will pave the way for the strengthening of political relations in the future, as he pointed out

No specific ideas. and examples

Speaking of the problems standing in the way of the project, Tanaka highlighted the need to identify the issues of regulation and pricing: “The problem is how will be the regulation among member countries Transit of electricity should be ensured, for example.. when electricity is passed through Mongolia, China and Korea to Japan, which rules to adhere to party? what will be the pricing process? Who should invest in the abutting parts of the network? “.

” Unfortunately, in Japan the possibility was never considered for connecting networks with foreign countries. No one is no specific ideas how to implement it. Such examples are not, and therefore not easy “, – said the head of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation

In view of the temporary loads

In turn, the Acting Director General of Far East Energy Dmitry Seljutin management company said in an interview. Tass that the project is necessary to solve several problems in the area of ​​international cooperation in the energy sector.

“The first task – to establish the interchange of products, products with high added value, gradually reducing the weight of the supply of the raw materials: coal , oil and gas. The only product of this kind, which in excess is available on the Russian market – it is electricity, “- said Seljutin

The second problem -. Provide a reasonable transit of electricity between the two countries.” Transit of electricity generation associated with the need of national economies in the purchase of electricity due to different time-balance loads. For example, when the electric power our hydro East virtually no demand in the region, it is demanded in the south of China, or anywhere else, “- he said the agency

Seljutin also noted that in Russia, unlike the rest of the world does not. increasing the share of renewable energy sources “There are predictions that the electric power around the world over the next twenty years will be fundamentally different, focused on renewable sources of energy: on the energy of the sun, wind, hydropower resources of all sorts”..

on he said that this is the trend of international cooperation in the power sector must buy the main component – the exchange of technology to obtain new renewable electricity



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