Thursday, September 22, 2016

Roldugin said about afraid to leave Obama alone with the guards of Putin – RBC

the Cellist Sergey Roldugin, who is familiar with the Russian head of state Vladimir Putin, said that security guards of the US President Barack Obama dare not leave the two leaders alone with each other, reports “RIA Novosti”.

“I want to tell you a secret even. Some detail I know this. Guarding Obama did not leave Obama one-on-one with Putin to talk. You understand?” “he said, speaking about Putin’s leadership qualities.

According to Roldugin, “a very strong indicator.”

the Musician also noted that unlike their Western counterparts, Putin is not afraid to take responsibility for decisions, and the last word always remains behind it.

“that’s What I always admired that he’s not afraid to take responsibility for themselves. Yes, a lot of it falls under the arrows of criticism, but he’s not afraid of it. Yes, he says I decided. He is not afraid of responsibility. At that time, as I understand it, Western and American politicians are not quite can say: Yes, I have decided, and so shall it be,” said Roldugin. He stressed that such behavior of the President has nothing to do with dictatorship.

Earlier today in the Catherine hall of the Kremlin residence Roldugina Putin presented the order “For merits before Fatherland” IV degree. The decree of the President about rewarding of the musician came out in early July.

In April, the international consortium of investigative journalism (ICIJ) and the Center for the study of corruption and organized crime (OCCRP) published an investigation on offshore companies, involving many famous people. In particular, in the investigation it was alleged that offshore company, the owner of which was Roldugin, allegedly received large sums of money and distributed them between other companies.

Putin explained that Roldugin almost all the money spent on the purchase of musical instruments abroad and brought them to Russia, passing in the property of state institutions”.


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