Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Britain got the first batch of shale gas from the US – RBC

In the UK delivered the first shipment of shale gas from the US. A tanker from 27.5 thousand cubic meters of gas arrived in the Scottish port of Grangemouth, the Financial Times reports.

Fuel plans to use a private petrochemical company Ineos. As stated by the representatives of the company, the delivery marked the opening of the “actual pipe” across the Atlantic, which will saturate the market with cheap American shale gas.

As reported by The Wall Street Journal, the first batch of shale gas from the US to Europe was sent in late April 2016. The first European contract for the supply made by the Portuguese company Galp Energia.

In Europe has its own shale gas reserves, which reach approximately 80% of the volume of intelligence in the United States, but most European States have either completely banned hydraulic fracturing method (fracking), or introduced a moratorium on it, until it becomes clear what the consequences for the environment will be. For example, in France, which has the largest reserves of shale gas in Europe, the ban will be in effect at least until presidential elections in 2017.


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