Photo: Yekaterina Kuzmina / RBC
In December 2014, consumer prices in Russia increased by 2.6% per year inflation rate was 11.4%, according to Rosstat, confirming previously published estimate. Rising prices for food products was higher. In December, they jumped 3.3%, while in January-December – just to 15,4%.
Thus, the annual inflation in Russia for the first time since 2008, officially became a double-digit, and this despite the fact that the initial forecast of Ministry of Economic Development of the inflation in 2014 was 4,5-5,5%.
A number of products rose in price several times faster than the average rate of inflation. For example, the price of cabbage in December have grown by 31.7%, and cucumbers grew by 28.1%. Prices on buckwheat, to rise in November, once 54.4%, somewhat slowed down the – in December, their growth slowed to 22.4%. The rest of cereals rose in price much more slowly, and therefore the average increase in their prices for the month was only 11.5%, whereas for the year cereals rose 34,6%.
Among the most advancers in December of products were also eggs (+ 14.5%) and sugar (+ 14.3%). Of non-food products rose most strongly TVs (+ 16%), microwave ovens, refrigerators and other household appliances (from 12.1% to 15%) and computers (+8,9%).
noticeable rose vacation abroad. For example, a bus tour around Europe, excursions in Finland and Germany, a trip to China, things to do on holiday in Spain rose by an average 17,8-22,4%.
As a result of price hikes the cost of minimum food basket per month on average in Russia by the end of December 2014 rose to 3,297.9 rubles., which is 5.1% higher than in November. For 2014 the cost of minimum food basket has increased by 15.3%. The most expensive food basket cost of the Chukotka region (7899 rub.), Less often – kuryanam (2631 rub.).
Count on the fact that after the holidays, inflation will decline, however. “Sale in January should not be expected. Most likely, all sell out at the end of the year “- says chief economist at the Center for Development HSE Valery Mironov. “Wait for any serious favorable prices can only be a residual, for a limited range of” – echoes the head of the Committee on Economics of the Moscow branch of the “Support of Russia” Alexei Kanev.
Valery Mironov expects to reduce inflation only in the second half of the year, and does not exclude that the second peak of price increases will be in the middle of the year when traditionally indexed regulated tariffs. Former Finance Minister and Chairman of the Committee of Civil Initiatives Alexei Kudrin said earlier that next year inflation may accelerate to 15%.

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